Why be afraid?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2001
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, USA
Okay guys, I've never actually posted a tip before, but this is something that has tremendously helped me. I think it will really help a lot of you too. Especially the really shy guys out there.

I was recently sent to a site called www.girlproblems.com. Now I have to admit that a lot of the advice on there is rubbish, and most of the advice givers are clueless (with the exception of the DJ's that go over there from time to time
). However, I did learn one thing that has totally changed the way I see women.

If you read enough of the posts that women put on that site, you'll notice that all of them have the same problems we do. You read about the girl that's too afraid to talk to a guy, or look him in the eyes. Or you'll see girls asking how to tell if a guy likes them. Do you guys see what I'm getting at here? Girls are just as nervous about approaching us as we are of them.

Many of us on here seem to have this notion that girls are super human. We think they never get nervous, and they just sit around waiting for a chance to make us guys look like s@#$ in front of everyone. We make the mistake of placing women on this unrealistic pedastal. Hell I did it myself until I went to this site.

So this should make it even easier for all you shy guys to sack-up and go approach a girl. She may think you're God's gift to the world, but she's too nervous to come talk to you because she thinks she'll say somethig stupid. And then you're sitting over there fiddling with your pecker because you're too shy to go talk to her too because you think you'll make a fool of yourself. See how stupid this is? So all you guys go read some of the women's posts on there and it'll increase your confidence 10 fold. At least it did for me. And fo crying out loud, realize that they aren't any better than we are. Hell we're DJs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I don't even put women on the same level as me..I've gotten into the habbit of putting even the hottest girls below me in my mind. Several times I've talked to a girl JUST to see how nervous I could make them. When you're concentrating on how nervous they probably are, your confidence skyrockets.

[This message has been edited by Shiftkey (edited 09-06-2001).]


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2000
Reaction score
''When you're concentrating on how nervous they probably are, your confidence skyrockets.'' Yeah men! That's something I've never thought about! I'll try to think of that! Thanks shiftkey for the idea!