oakraiderz2 said:
Ok, so im getting told by a 17 year old who knows the psychology of people who are mean. I think the majority of the people here 98% are a bunch of douchebags, cause they are. You dont even know me and you cant base my happiness off of ONE post on a forum with a bunch of geeks who are afraid of girls. I actually couldnt be much happier with the way everything in my life is going, so once again, check yourself.
lol this guy here :kick: :moon:
Ha as for geeks i certainly never, nor never will be a geek. I come here to give these "geeks" as u call them sound, genuine advice. Psh the truth is once i go back to school in January i won't even be on these forums, but for now it's entertainment.
AS for invisible most of the guys hit it already, but i must add in that you have to live, or at least try to stand in some way. Don't follow trends, create trends. Be a leader, figure out your own path in life, and if it's to fuuck as many women as possible, if that is your drive for for life then your not getting what i'm saying. You need to find something that truly motivates you everyday.
For me my passion in life is music, so no matter what women may come into my life or what situation i may get myself into, i'm always chasing my passion and pursuing my dream ALWAYS, and women see this and the love it. I don't even have to tell them i'm a musician, but when you "have it" they can see it. Your like a shinning light in a cave of darkness. You walk with a Aura of light, people can sense your prescience when you walk in the room and they know that their is something "different" about that "guy"
You would think this would be simple, but in the society controlled by media and corrupt business and politics the important info and truths we need to know is being suppressed and it's much harder to realize the truth about some things. Men have always been natural hunters, leader, and ones of action. Yet their has always been chumps to, and the men who are chumps are the ones who never utilized their balls. They just played life "real safe" never leaving their comfort zone. Sure they may be financially secure, but have they ever been in love or ****ed a women, and if they did happen to sex a women, how long was she around for. How many hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars did this guy have to blow, before he got blew and eventually blowed out.
So many guys have this whole system so messed up. I don't sarge chicks I talk to chicks who i feel may be worth my time, company and sex. A chick i can have a genuine good vibe, connection with and who i can have great sex with. I don't use routines, dress like a queer with makeup on my face or bring toys out with me. I generally say what i want to say because i'm just being me. I'm not thinking about kino and **** like that. I simply go out relying on my passion and inner confidence. I know i'm a high value male and i don't need to realize or some routine or worry of the outcome with a women. It's her pleasure to be with me, I just simply appreciate them.
So instead of worrying about being invisible, routines and other PUA bullshiit imo(no offfense) try to focus on your life and where you want to be. Think of a time when you were a child and think of a passion you once loved or still haved but negelected for whatever reason. Maybe it was someone saying stop dreaming and live in reality, or maybe it was societys conformist rules. Who knows but who cares. It's your life. Are you destined to work a 9 to 5 and retire at the age of 55-65. Or do you want to take charge of your life pursue your passion and LIVE on your own terms.
Lastly keys to not being invisible just remember CIFS(Blackdragon from MASF)
I don't care
Sexually agressive
Having that attitude by far will change your life. If you like to touch women do it naturally and from a fum playful stand point. The one thing i've learned is women, love to have sex and love to have fun. They just want a Confident, passionate guy who comes from that reality to bring her in. It's just an adventure man live it up or sit it down. Your choice. I'm reaching for the highest height and i only Stop when i'm dead. No matter what.