Why am I such a wuss?


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
I just cannot simply go and forget my ex girlfriends. Whenever I get dumped I feel like sh1t. Just recently( about a week ago) I was dumped by my gf who said that her feelings had disappeared. And I cannot stop thinking about her even though we dated for only like 2+ months. And this happens always even if I am dating a girl for like a month. I very quickly fall in love and when something bad happens I just cannot go and continue living my life.
I believe I am quite attractive to girls ( on one dating site I have 50+ new messages but I have no interest in them). I constantly suffer from oneitis.

Kick my ass please.

Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
I think everyone has been there at one point. I don't know how old you are, but I assume 21 or younger?

Look, fact of the matter is, everyone will feel like sh*t over one girl or another. There's nothing WRONG with feeling like sh*t when you get dumped. The key is to not show it, especially to the girl who dumped you. It will validate her decision. Don't give her the validation. Move on and learn from your mistakes. There's a scene in the movie Taxi Driver where Robert De Niro's character falls head over heels for a girl. They go out f a few times, she dumps him he gets pissed. By the end of the film, he picks her up in his cab by chance... except by this point in the movie he has made something of himself. She tries to flirt and be in his life again, and he sends her on his way, on HIS terms, and drives off. There's no greater feeling than that because it will always be with you. Use the setback as inspiration to become better each and every single time.

When I was younger, I fell pretty hard for a really attractive girl. Made a lot of mistakes and the same thing happened. Years later (about 5) I talked to her again. I was 10x the man I was before that, and ended up banging her again and getting her interest. After some drama on her part, I ended things because she still had not matured. This time, it was on my terms however, and it felt amazing. Pretend you are strong until you become strong, however hard it may be.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
I'm 22, lol. I showed her loads of times. She lives in another city, so I even came to see her after she dumped me and one time she didn't even come to see me. I just cannot seem to control my emotions. I quickly fall in love and that really sucks.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
But yeah, I like this "Pretend you are strong until you become strong, however hard it may be." Fake it until you make it.

Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
time2change said:
I'm 22, lol. I showed her loads of times. She lives in another city, so I even came to see her after she dumped me and one time she didn't even come to see me. I just cannot seem to control my emotions. I quickly fall in love and that really sucks.
Going to see her in another city is not showing her anything other than she still holds some kind of control over you. Don't see her, don't try to talk to her, and improve yourself. This will truly show her all you need to show her. Losing control of your emotions happens to anyone who isn't a sociopath. Learn to control them however and life will be 10x easier. You don't have to be perfect with it, and it's okay to slip up; just realize why and how you slipped up and don't do it again, or at LEAST don't do it as often.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Dude, are you sleeping well at night with these decisions you make? Whenever I get into these kinda things I always act in such a way I will be proud of myself a year down the line. I ask myself can I sleep well making this decision? If the answer is no, i'll go do the right thing instead.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
time2change said:
I just cannot simply go and forget my ex girlfriends. Whenever I get dumped I feel like sh1t. Just recently( about a week ago) I was dumped by my gf who said that her feelings had disappeared. And I cannot stop thinking about her even though we dated for only like 2+ months. And this happens always even if I am dating a girl for like a month. I very quickly fall in love and when something bad happens I just cannot go and continue living my life.
I believe I am quite attractive to girls ( on one dating site I have 50+ new messages but I have no interest in them). I constantly suffer from oneitis.

Kick my ass please.
it's a cycle you are trapped in mate and I've been there.

I was blessed with pretty good looks but I was always messing up with women, overpersuing and embarrassing myself then feeling awful afterwards.

What it was was that I had low self esteem and that was the root cause of all my issues.

Low self esteem > scarcity mindset > oneitis > weak needy behaviour > rejection

Wrinse and repeat.

Figure out what is causing your mentality to be messed up, learn the basics and you'll be fine.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
The key thing her is that you need to implement No Contact (delete her FB, Instagram and Phone number).

Live YOUR life. Improve yourself, date other people.

Nothing wrong with love but remember it's equal, you gotta love yourself (like Inferno said)


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
"I just cannot simply go and forget my ex girlfriends"

Keep telling yourself that and it will keep happening. Really hate to see a man saying "I cant", you can but you are just not trying hard enough.