Sup everyone i've been reading these post and the bible and what not on this form for awhile and now i finally went on and made me a name.
Well i've been reading and doing that DJ magic and i'm improving with girls. I'm getting more confident and can walk up to random girls and start a convo. Sometimes i feel like i'm on top of the world when i walk up to the girl and i know that she'll like me no matter what... and it works out that way ...she laughs..its great....then other times i seem to lose my DJ magic and things aren't fun at all and everything is serious.
So what went wrong?
Well i guess there could be all different kinds of answers but when i thought about how i felt when i was in DJ magic mode, i realized that i didn't really give a f**k. I didn't put so much into that one encounter.
So to get to my goal is to meet at least 5 new girls when i'm talking to #1 i can think to myself that this encounter is only the first of the day and i still got atleast 4 more. So i'm starting today , right between now and midnight i will meet 5 new girls and i'll go for a number close too.
So to meet the subject of my post...i wanna know WHO IS WITH ME on this?
I think we all can benefit from meeting at least 5 new chicks a day.
So if ur down WAY TO GO ur headed in the right direction and if ur not then thats ok just your loss.
Ok so if you are post everyday about the new girls you've met and how everything went and where u had trouble....there a bunch of greats here that will be more than happy to give u advice.
I'm out
good luck DJ'ing......and remeber DON'T PUT SO MUCH INTO THAT ONE CHICK shes only 1 of the 5.
Well i've been reading and doing that DJ magic and i'm improving with girls. I'm getting more confident and can walk up to random girls and start a convo. Sometimes i feel like i'm on top of the world when i walk up to the girl and i know that she'll like me no matter what... and it works out that way ...she laughs..its great....then other times i seem to lose my DJ magic and things aren't fun at all and everything is serious.
So what went wrong?
Well i guess there could be all different kinds of answers but when i thought about how i felt when i was in DJ magic mode, i realized that i didn't really give a f**k. I didn't put so much into that one encounter.
So to get to my goal is to meet at least 5 new girls when i'm talking to #1 i can think to myself that this encounter is only the first of the day and i still got atleast 4 more. So i'm starting today , right between now and midnight i will meet 5 new girls and i'll go for a number close too.
So to meet the subject of my post...i wanna know WHO IS WITH ME on this?
I think we all can benefit from meeting at least 5 new chicks a day.
So if ur down WAY TO GO ur headed in the right direction and if ur not then thats ok just your loss.
Ok so if you are post everyday about the new girls you've met and how everything went and where u had trouble....there a bunch of greats here that will be more than happy to give u advice.
I'm out
good luck DJ'ing......and remeber DON'T PUT SO MUCH INTO THAT ONE CHICK shes only 1 of the 5.