Only 4 meals a day?? Not to nitpick, but I'd jack that up to 6-8 meals per day.
And milk...ahh milk....
If you're serious about getting big muscles without big belly, I'd lose the milk. There's a whole boatload of sugars in milk, and in my personal experience, sugar(carbs) + dietary fat = bodyfat. Whats more, if you buy the normal commecial milk, its pumped with sugars and other **** as well.
The protein in milk is decent, but I'd have to guzzle 10L of the stuff per day to get enough protein. There simply isn't enough bang for buck to take milk seriously... not to mention the side-affects(bloating, digestion, acne, sleepiness, etc)
Stick to beef, whole eggs, pork, turkey, chicken, tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, whole eggs, steak, etc. Go crazy on them, don't forget to eat your brocolli too.
But yeah, milk? naaahhhh