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Whoa, i had my best DJ weekend EVER!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Goddamit, this stuff works. I am forever indebted to this site.

I met three girls this weekend, all from the Internet. I will give you a rundown of each, and how DJ'ing works:

First girl: a brunette from the Internet that looked like Sheryl Crow. Nothing too special. She was fun to email and talk to, and she would always bring up sex, or make innuendos. NOT BEING A TYPICAL CHUMP, i wouldn't really take the bait and talk sexual with her. BE DIFFERENT. I never asked her out, and when she asked "when are we going to meet?" i would kind of blow her off. CHALLENGE. This girl seems to take pride in being sexual, and getting guys, but i wasn't falling for it.
I told her i would finally meet her, but i had to be somewhere at about 9pm, to meet another girl. YES, I TOLD HER I WAS MEETING ANOTHER GIRL, and i set up a CLOSED-ENDED date, so i could split if it wasn't happnin'.

I'm remembering David DeAngelo's advice in the shower about WASHING AT LEAST THREE TIMES WITH SOAP to make sure I don't stink. haha.

She invites me to her place. We chill for 90 minutes or so. I don't put the moves on her, i'm being DESIRELESS. Then i go into her bedroom. She puts on Sade, and lights two candles. She lays on the bed next to me, and i'm pretending i'm tired, ignoring her advances. Then she says, "Is Cameron ever going to make a move?" so that was it. Then i started making out with her.

Long story short: banged her with her roommate, her kid, and her roommate's two kids in the other room. At one point, when she put the condom on, i was starting to go soft. I was totally thinking of this site, and the recent thread about the teenage guy losing his erection. This has happened to me before, and i was PANICKING. She was trying to be slow and seductive, and i'm thinking, HURRY UP AND GET ON! I'M GOING LIMP!!
(no wonder i'm going limp - i'm thinking about this goddamn site while i'm banging a chick!)
She obviously was no stranger to sex. It was pretty fun. I performed pretty well (THANK GOD) so i'm happy.

The great part, is right after i finished, i was getting dressed, and said i needed to leave. She was cool with that, and off i went. (to a club to meet another chick...)

The Second chick, i talked to her for the first time on the net that same day. She casually mentioned that she was in a "strange mood" or something like that. I probed just a little, and she divulged that she's not being sexually satisfied from the guy she's kind of dating. He's into rough sex, and she isn't. Once again, i didn't take the bait and start saying, "Oh baby, i will be soft with you, i will bring you to heights of ecstasy..." and crap like that. I just listened. She said she was going to a club tonight, and i said i might show up if i'm in the area. NOT BEING AN EAGER ******.
She gave me her phone number. By the way, she's a redhead that's about a size two or three, with big fake boobs. I totally don't like redheads, and i didn't dig her picture too much. But oh well, this will be a test to see if i can parlay her sexual frustration into some poon for me.

She said i really understand women, and that i should "write a book on how men should treat women..." haha! I almost slipped and said, "I go to this awesome website that shows guys how to pick up chicks!!"

Another date flaked on me, (the one i REALLY wanted to go on a date with... doesn't it always happen like that??) cause she had to babysit, so i called the redhead and said, "I will be there between 9 and 10." She said, "What are you wearing?" and i said, "Don't worry, you'll see me." I said, "wear something hot and sexy..." kind of in a ****Y/FUNNY way. She said she will be there at eight and ended the conversation by saying, "I will be good and drunk for you when you get there..."

I arrived at 11pm. Found her, and she didn't look that great. Sexy body though. I was in a quiet mood, cause i was sitting with a table of her friends. UGH. It was kind of awkward, cause she was sitting next to me, so we didn't talk much. After about 90 minutes of sitting there, and not touching or flirting with each other, i reached over and poked her ribcage with my finger. KINO. From that second on, her hand was on my leg for the rest of the night.
Once again, the KINO opens up the women to touch you back. It's the GREEN LIGHT that you are willing to be touched.

Didn't bang her or kiss her or anything. She left with her friends, but i know she's interested. The question is, AM I? She's bangable, so i will take the approach of trying to guide it towards a purely physical relationship. If she's not OK with that, NEXT.

That was Saturday. Also during Saturday, i was instant messaging this girl that emailed me in the past. I emailed her back, and she never responded. She was pretty good looking. CRAP. The Bitter Sting of Rejection From Yet Another Hot Woman. (that sounds like a title for a book!)
But why does she start instant messaging me today?
We chat for a bit, and she really sounds interested. Strange.. I get her phone number.

She calls me back at about 9:00pm. She's kind of drunk. I say, "hey, lets go out tonight." She sounds interested.
Long story short, her and her roommate invited me to the roommates house.
Now, i was kind of attracted to her pictures. She's definately hot, but i DID NOT expect to see such a hot chick. She greeted me in the parking lot, and all i saw was teets, teets, and more teets. Geezuz christ. Big fake D cup boobs, and she wasn't wearing a bra, and wore a white tanktop. She looked like a stripper! yum!
NEVER EVER did i act in awe of her that night. I also acted a little turned off by her being drunk and slightyl obnoxious, and made a couple comments. NEG HITTING.
NEVER DID I COMPLIMENT HER, like all chumps would on that AMAZING tan body. She was 5'11!

Long story short: Learn to play some guitar! I brought my guitar over and played a little bit for her. She loves Justin Timberlake, so i played the guitar part to LIKE I LOVE YOU, and she thought it was the coolest thing.
We kissed, but nothing too heavy. NEVER DID I TOUCH HER SWIMSUIT AREAS. That's not really classy, even if you think you might get away with it on a first date.

TIP: GO BUY SOME FIERCE BY ABERCROMBIE. Holy hell. This chick loved it. I'm glad i bought it. She couldn't stop smelling my neck and shirt, and told me, "You better not spray yourself again, cause i don't know if i could resist..."

(so, in the car, i sprayed some more on...haha.)

Now check this out: This girl said i never wrote her back after she wrote me. WHAT THE??? I swear to god, and i have the proof in my sent items, that i wrote her back. I thought she never wrote back cause i wrote a huge AFC email to her. NOPE. She said, "I NEVER EVER got a response back from you!" But did i APOLOGIZE AND SAY, "OH FORGIVE ME, I DID WRITE YOU, I SWEAR!!" No, i just went with it. (s**t, how many other girls haven't gotten my emails? Ah crap....)

BOTTOM LINE: You HAVE TO be confident when you are around chicks this hot. I was trying my hardest, even though my confidence is naturally rising from my I DONT GIVE A F**K attitude, which is the ROOT OF ALL DJ KNOWLEDGE. It is the absolute foundation, the cornerstone, for becoming successful with women. Once you have that, the rest is easy.
This chick says, "i'm the star attraction when i go out. I'm almost 6'3 when i wear heels." She said guys are always in her grill. I'm sure she dresses provocative as well to show off those miraculous cans. BUT NARY DID I SAY, "well, duh, cause you are so goddamn gorgeous!" or anything like that.

I guess i'm physically what this chick wants, so i'm very lucky. I'm 6'4, dark hair, blue eyes, and i'm attractive.
I can't wait to see her again. (Oh, she relunctantly admitted she's a ****tail waitress at a strip club, but is starting another office job soon.) DID I MAKE ANY AFC COMMENTS ABOUT STRIP CLUBS, OR IF SHE'S BISEXUAL, or IF I COULD GO SEE HER WHERE SHE WORKS? NO. Don't be like everyone else.

So, in summary, dating is getting FUN. I'm not trying to brag - i'm just so damn excited about this site and talking to other guys like me, and helping noobs with their concerns. I KNOW i could not be performing at this level without this site.

Sorry for the long post.
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Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Stormwriter - My MAN!

Glad to hear of your recent successes!

I will say though - stripper, single mom and a redhead - not usually my cup of tea - but hell you're getting a hell of a lot more action than I am at the present moment so good for you!

So, in summary, dating is getting FUN.

That's the right attitude.

I'm not trying to brag - i'm just so damn excited about this site and talking to other guys like me, and helping noobs with their concerns. I KNOW i could not be performing at this level without this site.

I feel the same way - you are inspiring me to possibly give the Internet personals another shot.

Keep up the good work. :D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Yeah, most of these chicks aren't my cup of tea either, but the practice is worth it. After going on dates with girls that end up liking you more than you like them boosts your confidence. It gives you a feeling that you DO have something to offer. I hated wasting time and money and energy on dead-end dates, but now i'm really seeing the value.

Everything you do in life takes practice and goals. I think about the same two chicks from my past EVERY DAY - the ones i REALLLLLY liked, and REALLLLY had a shot at, but screwed it up. I made a pledge to myself that when a chick that i REALLLLLY like again, comes around, i won't blow it.