Who watches the watchers?

Vicomte de Valmont

New Member
Mar 15, 2002
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Allen Thompson, SexPDX, Pook, Vronski, Paradox, Anti-Dump, Master of the Universe, Robert Jordon, Sir_Chancealot, De La Soul, Adonis, Giovanni Casanova, plus all the other people who have inspired you.

What is so special about these people who are sort of ultra popular sosuave.com internet gurus? I don’t know. One thing I do know is that they make their readers feel good about themselves. They make those guys (who read their posts) want to go out there and shag all the hot chicks.

Every time you read one of their posts (or replies) you are charged with a tremendous amount of energy that makes want to go out there and talk ,flirt, kiss, screw the first hot babe you see on the streets. Now why is that?

That is because the combination of the words they’ve written triggers a sensation in your brain. You start believing in yourself. You start believing that you are actually capable of doing things that at first seemed impossible for you to do.

Like the first time you did something that was difficult. All you needed was a push. A push that made you aware that you could do whatever you wanted to do as long as you didn’t try to break the rules of nature.

Believe in yourself. This has been said so many times here. That way the tips in the Don Juan tips section will work. Feel good about the things you do. Because that is what Allen Thompson, SexPDX, Pook, Vronski, Paradox, Anti-Dump, Master of the Universe, Robert Jordon, Sir_Chancealot, De La Soul, Adonis, Giovanni Casanova, plus all the other people who have inspired you have been doing.

Attraction has a lot to do with making people feel good about themselves. If you succeed in making people feel good about themselves (and being with you) they will want to please you. Just like a sportsman who wants to please his coach or any follower who wants to please his leader.

Music, meditation, sports, etcetera can make you feel good about yourself. Find a way to feel good about yourself all the time.

Expensive clothes, a collection of dvd’s, a superfast computer, a sportscar can make you happy and as a result can make you feel good about yourself but in the end all you will want is extra time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
Grande Prairie
The who and the what now? Pook give good advice? Surely you jest. ;)