yeah yea, all might guys never need escorts because they can get girls to like then by how they are,(lets forget these are the same guys who had problems with woman before they learned to how to work better)
but here is the deal in a LTR and a escort, pretty sure the escort is cheaper, you go with her and sex, in a ltr, even if you had a consistent one date/ sex, chances are eventually you will spend more with her then with a escort, its a old joke and its a truthfull one
I see both advantages and problems, also the trade btw money and sex is not only escorts who does that, only escorts are more honest about it, a lot of woman do this, only spend time with a guy she know is loaded, and how many times we saw videos of guy pulling woman just with the car engine sound?
but escorts are easy way for sex, you don't have to do anything other then open your wallet, but there is the issue of you not knowing how to pull woman if this is your only avenue for puss, there is also the issue of desire, I know for sure the times I had the best sex and performed well was the times I notice the girl was really into me, the ones who was not so much, it was more mechanical then anything really had little effect on me and jsut did the deed and didn't bother again
with normal girls is more like what we most want a girl who desire you, want you, and you can have fun, not only for sex but also outside of it, and the main thing of all, to have a effect on your ego for better, that is what people most want to have they ego feeling good, even the most in control we still search for such