Check this video out soon, as it might not last long on google.
It's 1.5 hours, so let it dl, then come back. Make sure you have a reasonable connection, OR patience.
Another 9/11 video, that adds in elements from Al Qaeda and linking theories between the WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and HOW. Well done. The story combines all of what we think when considering "alternative" thoughts surrounding national incidents (or accidents). It is set in a single room, with a man acting like he's going crazy with multiple personalities. Each personality portrays a different psyche. One attempts to be a "logical patriots" disbelieving 9/11 could be anything but an attack. The others are meant to be crazy. Another is a logical free thinker, who plays as the PROTAGONIST of the story, encountering what many do when considering ANY out of the box theories on world events.
This isn't UP for discussion. The link is provided PURELY for informational sources, so don't start a flame war over it. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But at least give it a shot THEN comment somewhere with someone. If you like it, pass it on. I figured few others would bring it to your attention, and might give people a shot with something else.
I'll await Deep Dish's response that "thinking outside the box" (or perhaps I should just call myself a conspiracy theorist) is actually a form of illogical thinking and that I lack a grasp on the world around me, as I grapple for SOME sort of safey net.
For the rest of you seeking more it is...
It's 1.5 hours, so let it dl, then come back. Make sure you have a reasonable connection, OR patience.
Another 9/11 video, that adds in elements from Al Qaeda and linking theories between the WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and HOW. Well done. The story combines all of what we think when considering "alternative" thoughts surrounding national incidents (or accidents). It is set in a single room, with a man acting like he's going crazy with multiple personalities. Each personality portrays a different psyche. One attempts to be a "logical patriots" disbelieving 9/11 could be anything but an attack. The others are meant to be crazy. Another is a logical free thinker, who plays as the PROTAGONIST of the story, encountering what many do when considering ANY out of the box theories on world events.
This isn't UP for discussion. The link is provided PURELY for informational sources, so don't start a flame war over it. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But at least give it a shot THEN comment somewhere with someone. If you like it, pass it on. I figured few others would bring it to your attention, and might give people a shot with something else.
I'll await Deep Dish's response that "thinking outside the box" (or perhaps I should just call myself a conspiracy theorist) is actually a form of illogical thinking and that I lack a grasp on the world around me, as I grapple for SOME sort of safey net.
For the rest of you seeking more it is...