Who gives a $hit!!!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
This post was originally on the DJ Discussion forum, I think it is essential for me to put this OP & my response on the tips forum just to point out that over analysing/thinking is the kill of all fun, I mean what is the point of getting all the pu$$y you want without enjoying yourself, remember you always come first in your life!!!

I mean if you really think about it, who really matters more than you in your life?

Don’t think of it as selfish, think of it as self respect goddamn it.

& if you come off as a selfish @ss, who gives a sh1t!!!

Main link - http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?p=1626598#post1626598

Approach Anxiety - How do you deal with it?
Hey guys. Sometimes, like many guys out there, I have approach anxiety and trick my mind into thinking I have nothing to say.

This is very troublesome because if there's a cute girl in one of my classes or in the halls that I want to talk to, I'm stuck with believing that I don't know what to say. And I'm definitely not bad at having conversations.

I know the "Hey, what's your name" thing is a little strange if you're trying to set the frame for attraction, but I'm going to try this out eventually and have her guess mine to set a spark by being challenging and mysterious.

Well other than that, I only have "Hey, how are you?" in my arsenal of openers. The problem with this is that if I have nothing on my mind, I can't transition. I could try some opinion openers, but it has to be sincere for me to pull it off. I hate trying this canned stuff if I'm not incredibly excited about it.

So I really have 2 questions here:
1. How do you guys deal with approach anxiety?
2. How do you guys prepare to open and transition into rapport?
I got an answer for both of your questions

1) Who gives a $hit

2) Who gibes a $hit

Just go up to her, you don’t even have to say $hit, just look at her, it doesn’t matter!!!

Just say whatever comes to your head, "do you like apples?", this will probably work better than, "hi what’s your name", because it's totally unexpected and will through her of her guard and will make you different.

This is what will happen if you do this:

She sees you approaching her:

Girl: Oh, he's going to say hi or hi what’s your name, or any of thoughs common social fixed openers.
You: Do you like apples?
Girl: WTF

Point is it doesn’t fvck'n matter.

If she likes you, then she likes you

If she doesn’t like you, then she doesn’t like you

If she likes you, then you fvck her

If she doesn’t, then she can fvck herself

Point is, it doesn’t fvck'n matter

You should have such a strong idea of yourself that it wont fvck'n matter!

Haha I'll try that.
My advisor has apples

That doesn't exactly help though because it's hard to be creative when you're under anxiety. There must be some kind of switch that you can set for yourself to chill out when you're in the moment.

You're absolutely right about the random apples question though. I can just imagine her reaction haha.
Originally Posted by I'm in the Mood
You're absolutely right about the random apples question though. I can just imagine her reaction haha.
Who gives a $hit

I only put the apple thing in because that's the first thing that came into my head when I was posting the reply.

If you have a walkman or something, give her the ear piece and say, "listen to this".

Doesn’t fvck'n matter!!!!

That doesn't exactly help though because it's hard to be creative when you're under anxiety.
Why are you under anxiety???

Is it because you're worried about what others think???

There must be some kind of switch that you can set for yourself to chill out when you're in the moment.
Yea, there is!!!

Who gives a $hit!!!


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
This is a good post(bit redundant though) but good post nonetheless.

I wish Nice Guys could adopt this kind of mindset then they'd be getting laid more often.

(Unfortunately, some clowns in this website are gonna disagree and detail 1000 post/rationalizations of being an AFC/Nice Guy.)

Good work 56Andre.