Again...I'm not talking about normal discussion of feminism. I am talking about RADICALISM. Radical anti-feminists are worse than radical feminists because they KNOW how destructive and damaging that kind of mentality and behavior actually is.
Sorry...but the day Pook tried to claim that Harry Potter books being successful was due to some evil and twisted feminist agenda and that guys and men didn't really like the books was the day normal discussion about feminism on this site went to hell in a handbasket.
Now don't get me wrong...Pook has contributed a lot to this site over the years. He has some wonderful posts...but as of late his posts have embraced and encouraged radicalism. Those guys who go from having oneitis over some chick to having oneitis for Pook don't even actually THINK about what he says and just agrees with him and start in blaming all their woes on feminism and women in general. DJs are NOT whiners, victims and radicals. They are strong men who rise above the roadblocks as if they were mere speedbumps and move forward with life and their goals. They don't blame their misfortunes on feminism or women. They take responsibility for their choices and they behave like men, not radical feminists.
These radicals are going to be the death of this site and all it has stood for over the years. Pay attention to what they are doing to the site. Everytime a guy has a positive story or success with a woman to share in a thread...these guys DISCOURAGE them, put them down, try to convince them to dump the woman they are happy with and otherwise try to piss all over anyone's happiness. What benefit does that kind of garbage provide here? Every post these guys make include ranting about feminism and blaming women for everything wrong with their life, society and the universe. Sorry...but women don't really have that level of power or influence over your reality and destiny. YOU do...and you alone. It's YOUR choices, YOUR successes and YOUR failures and mistakes. Own them and stop allowing a few morons to turn you all into a bunch of whining victim hate mongers. These kinds of guys are the ugliest most disgusting things on the planet. They will always be alone and will never be able to maintain even healthy friendships because they are so negative that people can't stand to be around them and their incessant biotching.