Who Built The Great Pyramid In Egypt?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Let's say the pyramids were built by the aliens or even an advanced ancient human civilization that is now completely lost to history. My questions is, if the builders were really so advanced, why would they build something that looks like this:

As opposed to something that looks like this:

It's very likely that the Great Pyramid had a FUNCTION.. There are some thoughts and ideas on what that function might have been.. Therefore the civilization in question, probably built it, in that particular shape, in order to serve that function.

What your illustrating are simply buildings to accommodate people. Where as the great pyramid likely was engineered to serve a completely different purpose.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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It's very likely that the Great Pyramid had a FUNCTION.. There are some thoughts and ideas on what that function might have been.. Therefore the civilization in question, probably built it, in that particular shape, in order to serve that function.

What your illustrating are simply buildings to accommodate people. Where as the great pyramid likely was engineered to serve a completely different purpose.
And what purpose does it serve?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Seeing how every post turns into two or more guys pounding their chests and talking trash behind a screen is always entertaining.

But back to your post, it was most likely a human and non-human technology collaboration. We can't be so arrogant to think we are the only "intelligent" beings in the universe, and so naive that we have not been and are being helped by higher conscious beings. But we also can't underestimate human intellect, determination, and strength.

The bottom line for me, who built them is not as relevant as to why. If I had to choose between knowing who vs why, I would 100% choose why.
It's very unlikely Aliens contributed towards the building of the great pyramid.

I mean if Aliens had a hand in this, then why not introduce some Alien Tech & Alien materials into the Structure.

If Aliens have the technology to travel vast distances and visit planets in other solar systems, then surely they would have chosen a different material to construct the Pyramid with, other than limestone rocks and granite.

It's more believable that an ancient civilization, that had some advanced building methods built this structure & got wiped out by a asteroid impact.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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And what purpose does it serve?
Bro go do some research.. I have researched this subject matter for decades, you want me to give you years worth of complicated knowledge on SS in the next five minutes.

Damn dude lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
What's the obsession with Aliens? I mean go back to this thread, and come back to me, with how many people are seriously (joking a side) claiming Aliens built the Pyramid.

Y'all got wild imaginations lol
Then who do you think built them then? Since you have heavily researched the topic, you should have an answer I hope. What is this mysterious civilization?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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For those who believe that the great pyramid is just a simple building, that some scrawny slaves just cobbled together!

The Engineering Masterpiece
At first glance, the Great Pyramid of Giza appears as a colossal monument, a testament to the grandeur of ancient Egypt. Yet, upon closer inspection, its construction reveals an astonishing level of precision and expertise, leaving many in awe of the architectural and engineering mastery of its builders.

Alignment with Cardinal Points
One of the most remarkable features of the Great Pyramid is its precise alignment with the cardinal points of the compass – north, south, east, and west. Incredibly, the sides of the pyramid are exceptionally close to these cardinal directions, with only the slightest deviation from perfect alignment. The northern side, for example, is just a fraction of a degree off true north. This exceptional alignment wasn’t merely a coincidence; it reflects a deep understanding of astronomy and geometry.

Advanced Mathematical and Engineering Knowledge
The construction of the Great Pyramid also demonstrates an advanced understanding of mathematics and engineering. The pyramid’s dimensions and proportions are not arbitrary but are the result of deliberate mathematical choices. For instance, the ratio of the pyramid’s base perimeter to its height is remarkably close to the mathematical constant π (pi). This suggests that the builders possessed a sophisticated understanding of geometry and mathematical concepts.
Moreover, the precision of the construction is evident in the pyramid’s perfectly fitted limestone blocks. Each massive stone was cut, shaped, and placed with remarkable accuracy. The average deviation in the length of the sides of the base is less than two centimeters, despite the enormous size of the structure. The builders used precise leveling techniques to ensure that the pyramid’s base was flat, even in a landscape with varying elevations.
The Great Pyramid’s internal passages and chambers are equally astonishing. The Descending and Ascending Passages, as well as the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber, were meticulously designed and aligned with remarkable accuracy. The significance of these features remains a subject of ongoing research and speculation.
In essence, the construction of the Great Pyramid represents an unparalleled fusion of mathematical, engineering, and architectural knowledge. The precision in its design and alignment continues to inspire admiration and curiosity about the ancient Egyptians’ ability to conceive and execute such an extraordinary monument. The quest to unravel the secrets of the Great Pyramid’s construction serves as a testament to the enduring wonder of this timeless marvel.

Solar Alignments and the Equinox Phenomenon
The Great Pyramid of Giza not only astounds with its precision but also exhibits a deep connection to celestial phenomena, most notably during the equinoxes. During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, the pyramid’s design results in a remarkable solar alignment, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle.

The Serpent-Like Effect
On the equinoxes, when the sun crosses the celestial equator, a particular phenomenon takes place. The sun’s rays cast a shadow along the pyramid’s western side, which, when combined with the alternating light and shadow, creates a captivating serpent-like effect that twists down the northern side of the pyramid. This optical illusion, a play of light and shadow, was seemingly intentional, as it aligns with the mythology and beliefs of ancient Egypt.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Let's say the pyramids were built by the aliens or even an advanced ancient human civilization that is now completely lost to history. My questions is, if the builders were really so advanced, why would they build something that looks like this:

As opposed to something that looks like this:

Because that is not what they used to look like in 2550BC. That is what they look like almost 5000 years ago. Let''s see what that building looks like 5000 years from now. And because you are comparing apples to oranges. They serve very different purposes.

Keep in mind I am not saying they were built by "aliens", but based on what we know it is possible it was a collaboration.

Ultimately, we will never know for certain. Then again, I wouldn't have posted the question of who built them. That to me is not important and quite impossible to find out. Why they were built is far more important and interesting in my mind.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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It's very unlikely Aliens contributed towards the building of the great pyramid.

I mean if Aliens had a hand in this, then why not introduce some Alien Tech & Alien materials into the Structure.

If Aliens have the technology to travel vast distances and visit planets in other solar systems, then surely they would have chosen a different material to construct the Pyramid with, other than limestone rocks and granite.

It's more believable that an ancient civilization, that had some advanced building methods built this structure & got wiped out by a asteroid impact.
I respect that. And yeah, ultimately we will never know for certain, and like I said I don't find it as interesting as why they were built.

But let's consider the question for the sake of discussion. I don't know if you saw a post about those "10-foot aliens", but BeExcellent and I shared similar thoughts on this. The question "if the pyramids were built by aliens, why not introduce some alien tech/materials" is not the right question. With all due respect, you are effectively thinking this, questioning this, analyzing this, and considering this with a human brain. You will never understand an advanced species' motives. It's like asking an ant to think like a human.

We need to settle and be at peace in our minds that some questions are too far ahead for us to comprehend. I am not saying don't be curious, ask, and discuss. Quite the opposite, please do but at the end of the discussion understand and be at peace with the fact that you will not have the mental, spiritual, or conscious capacity to understand most things in the universe and beyond.

Lastly, yeah there are some solid findings about ancient and advanced human civilizations that were wiped out. I think that is very likely as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Because that is not what they used to look like in 2550BC. That is what they look like almost 5000 years ago. Let''s see what that building looks like 5000 years from now. And because you are comparing apples to oranges. They serve very different purposes.

Keep in mind I am not saying they were built by "aliens", but based on what we know it is possible it was a collaboration.

Ultimately, we will never know for certain. Then again, I wouldn't have posted the question of who built them. That to me is not important and quite impossible to find out. Why they were built is far more important and interesting in my mind.
Exactly.. There is mounting evidence that the Great Pyramid served a purpose.

It's not just a building, it was intentionaly built the way it was built.

Another thing to consider, our current technology & methods of construction are based on scientific discoveries that have been made in the last few hundred years.. These discoveries & inventions have dictated the path our technology and society has gone down.

Now imagine our civilization being wiped out by a catastrophic event, such as massive meteor impact.. The survivors of this event would likely have to start building civilization again right from the bottom, from scratch..

This means most of our current Tech would be lost over the thousands of years, humanity would make new discoveries, different types of inventions.. Therefore the new rising future civilization may have a completely different way of doing things, methods that we cannot quite understand.

By the way, its fact that this type of catastrophic event did take place maybe 10,000 years ago.. It's called the younger dryas period.. I believe the impact crator has also been located near Greenland.

Strong possibility that the Great Flood stories nearly every past gone civilization has spoke about, originates from the massive floods and climate change, after the asteroid impact.

PS no aliens involved.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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I respect that. And yeah, ultimately we will never know for certain, and like I said I don't find it as interesting as why they were built.

But let's consider the question for the sake of discussion. I don't know if you saw a post about those "10-foot aliens", but BeExcellent and I shared similar thoughts on this. The question "if the pyramids were built by aliens, why not introduce some alien tech/materials" is not the right question. With all due respect, you are effectively thinking this, questioning this, analyzing this, and considering this with a human brain. You will never understand an advanced species' motives. It's like asking an ant to think like a human.

We need to settle and be at peace in our minds that some questions are too far ahead for us to comprehend. I am not saying don't be curious, ask, and discuss. Quite the opposite, please do but at the end of the discussion understand and be at peace with the fact that you will not have the mental, spiritual, or conscious capacity to understand most things in the universe and beyond.

Lastly, yeah there are some solid findings about ancient and advanced human civilizations that were wiped out. I think that is very likely as well.
I get your point.. However Occam's Razor..

What's more likely.. Advanced civilization with advanced technology that got wiped out... Or Aliens helped the humans out on this one, then they buggered off.

Remember we will be wiped out at some stage too.. A future civilization thousands of years down the line, will find remnants of our technology, and ask themselves...

Whooh how the feck did they build this?
Must have been some Aliens involved.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I respect that. And yeah, ultimately we will never know for certain, and like I said I don't find it as interesting as why they were built.

But let's consider the question for the sake of discussion. I don't know if you saw a post about those "10-foot aliens", but BeExcellent and I shared similar thoughts on this. The question "if the pyramids were built by aliens, why not introduce some alien tech/materials" is not the right question. With all due respect, you are effectively thinking this, questioning this, analyzing this, and considering this with a human brain. You will never understand an advanced species' motives. It's like asking an ant to think like a human.

We need to settle and be at peace in our minds that some questions are too far ahead for us to comprehend. I am not saying don't be curious, ask, and discuss. Quite the opposite, please do but at the end of the discussion understand and be at peace with the fact that you will not have the mental, spiritual, or conscious capacity to understand most things in the universe and beyond.

Lastly, yeah there are some solid findings about ancient and advanced human civilizations that were wiped out. I think that is very likely as well.
The *only* question that's unanswerable is "how did the universe begin?" as apparently not even the ET's try to answer this.

Anything else is understandable and answerable and to claim it isn't is defeatist imo. Or it's an attempt at applying a system of binary thinking where degrees of plausibility should be used instead.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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And what purpose does it serve?
By the way, the great pyramid Is 8 sided, not the commonly accepted 4 sides.. Just a simple building cobbled together right lol

Do the pyramids have 8 sides? Yes but this can only be viewed from above in the sky!

The base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is a square, right? Well, not quite. Despite what you may think about this ancient structure, the Great Pyramid is an eight-sided figure, not a four-sided figure. Each of the pyramid's four side are evenly split from base to tip by very subtle concave indentations.



Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Advanced Mathematical and Engineering Knowledge
I will answer your whole post with this:

The pursuit of advanced astronomical knowledge in the unforgiving African desert wasn't a mere intellectual luxury; it was an essential skill for survival. Navigating the harsh environment demanded a deep understanding of celestial patterns, particularly for anticipating crucial events like the annual flooding of the Nile River—a lifeline for sustenance.

This proficiency in astronomy wasn't a whimsical endeavor but a fundamental prerequisite for the very existence of what we now call "Ancient Egypt." The meticulous alignment of structures, exemplified by the precision of the Great Pyramid with celestial points, showcased not only a profound grasp of astronomical principles but also a pragmatic application crucial for thriving in a challenging landscape.

In stark contrast to the convenience of contemporary amenities such as McDonald's or Aldi's, survival in Ancient Egypt hinged on a relentless commitment to learning and adaptation. The absence of modern comforts compelled these civilizations to delve deep into the intricacies of the natural world, from understanding celestial cycles influencing agriculture to mastering the navigation of expansive terrains. Thus, the thriving of ancient societies was intricately tied to their adeptness in acquiring profound knowledge and skills, ensuring survival amidst the rigors of their environment.

TLDR: Ancient Egyptians needed to know this shvt or they would have starved to death in the Sahara Desert.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Homo sapiens have been around for 300,000 years, but Ancient Egypt only popped up 4,000 years ago. Human civilization is a complicated achievement, and recent progress emphasizes our impressive feats. To build a society based on agriculture, you needed to know your stuff in Astrology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The Ancient Egyptians and other antique civilizations were sharp in these areas, deliberately mastering celestial patterns, engineering, and math.

Understanding human civilization's marvel means recognizing centuries of accumulated knowledge and skill. Expertise in things like astrology wasn't luck; it was a purposeful pursuit that propelled societies to great heights, as seen in Ancient Egypt.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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I will answer your whole post with this:

The pursuit of advanced astronomical knowledge in the unforgiving African desert wasn't a mere intellectual luxury; it was an essential skill for survival. Navigating the harsh environment demanded a deep understanding of celestial patterns, particularly for anticipating crucial events like the annual flooding of the Nile River—a lifeline for sustenance.

This proficiency in astronomy wasn't a whimsical endeavor but a fundamental prerequisite for the very existence of what we now call "Ancient Egypt." The meticulous alignment of structures, exemplified by the precision of the Great Pyramid with celestial points, showcased not only a profound grasp of astronomical principles but also a pragmatic application crucial for thriving in a challenging landscape.

In stark contrast to the convenience of contemporary amenities such as McDonald's or Aldi's, survival in Ancient Egypt hinged on a relentless commitment to learning and adaptation. The absence of modern comforts compelled these civilizations to delve deep into the intricacies of the natural world, from understanding celestial cycles influencing agriculture to mastering the navigation of expansive terrains. Thus, the thriving of ancient societies was intricately tied to their adeptness in acquiring profound knowledge and skills, ensuring survival amidst the rigors of their environment.

TLDR: Ancient Egyptians needed to know this shvt or they would have starved to death in the Sahara Desert.
Excellent now combine this mathematical knowledge and astronomical knowledge & build that into a huge structure, the largest structure on earth for thousands of years, and what we are looking at is a pretty damn advanced structure.. Not some simple pyramid shape cobbled together, like some on here are claiming.

By the way, the jury is out on the Dynastic Egyptians building the great pyramid.. I'm not convinced.

Additionally having knowledge of astronomical alignments is very different, from building astronomical alignments into a massive structure.. totally different ball game.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Excellent now combine this mathematical knowledge and astronomical knowledge & build that into a huge structure, the largest structure on earth for thousands of years, and what we are looking at is a pretty damn advanced structure.. Not some simple pyramid shape cobbled together, like some on here are claiming.

By the way, the jury is out on the Dynastic Egyptians building the great pyramid.. I'm not convinced.

Additionally having knowledge of astronomical alignments is very different, from building astronomical alignments into a massive structure.. totally different ball game.
Huge does not necessarily equate to advanced and complex. Furthermore, post bronze age collapse societies had other interests that did not include building large stone pyramids.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Bro go do some research.. I have researched this subject matter for decades, you want me to give you years worth of complicated knowledge on SS in the next five minutes.

Damn dude lol
In other words, you have no idea.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Keep in mind I am not saying they were built by "aliens", but based on what we know it is possible it was a collaboration.
Sure, anything is possible. It's possible that I am an alien from another galaxy. How can you be certain that I'm not? But just because something is possible doesn't mean it's probable. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. And the simplest explanation is that the pyramids were built by people living in Egypt 5,000 years ago. They certainly has the technology, resources and know-how to build them without alien help. Now if a spaceship was discovered hidden in one of those pyramids, it would be a deferent story. But stone buildings themselves were not exactly high tech even in ancient Egypt.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Sure, anything is possible. It's possible that I am an alien from another galaxy. How can you be certain that I'm not? But just because something is possible doesn't mean it's probable. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. And the simplest explanation is that the pyramids were built by people living in Egypt 5,000 years ago. They certainly has the technology, resources and know-how to build them without alien help. Now if a spaceship was discovered hidden in one of those pyramids, it would be a deferent story. But stone buildings themselves were not exactly high tech even in ancient Egypt.
The only problem is barely any evidence to suggest the Dynastic Egyptians built the Pyramids. So the simplest explanation is they didn't build it, in the absence of Evidence.

01. The limestone rocks and the granite used in building of the Pyramids, is quarried from Aswan.. Aswan is 530 miles South from the Giza Plateau.. Yes that's over 500 miles!

Some of these granite rocks weigh 80-100 tonnes.. They are crazy heavy.. The Dynastic Egyptians didn't even have the wheel & the only tools ever found are primitive copper tools. Egyptologists have suggested, "oh maybe they where transported by boat" How many boats have been found that have the ability to transport solid Granite weighing 100 tonnes over 500 miles? That's right ZERO.. The boats that have been excivated in Giza couldn't even manage 20 tonnes.

02. If the Dynastic Egyptians built the great pyramid, then why is the building of the great pyramid completely absent from their history.. Literally loads of Hieroglyphics & writings & parchments have been found & not ONCE do they mention ever building The Great Pyramid, neither do they aknowledge the Great Pyramid.. It's literally not mentioned.

Imagine the greatest structure on earth built by a civilisation, and they didn't even bother mention it once, in there History books or their stories or drawings. The Dynastic Egyptians where obsessed with relaying their History through Hieroglyphics, yet they couldn't bother with mentioning their greatest ever achievement.. Right that makes a whole lot of sense.

03. The great pyramid does not resemle a tomb in the slightest. Pretty much every single tomb found in Egypt, has Hieroglyphics, decorated with paintings and stories, a mummified body in some cases, or the least an empty sarcophagus. Often a tomb will have booby traps to protect the treasures.

Nothing about the great pyramid resembles a tomb.

No Gliphs
No body ever found
No decorations or paintings
No treasures or booby traps
No records in history of a mummy being found or removed from the pyramid.
No stories tales from the Egyptians of ever laying a Phaoro to rest inside the pyramid.

04. Roughly 2.4 million limestone rocks make up the structure of the great pyramid. Mainstream Egyptologist claim it took the Egyptians 20 years to build the Great Pyramid.. The math has already been done.. This would mean every 3 minutes, 24 hours a day, spanning 20 years, non stop a limestone rock weighing sometimes hundreds of tons would have to be laid down into the pyramid with razor sharp precise accuracy.. That's every 3 hours, for twenty years straight.. Decades of work & All this work for a body that decomposed in a matter of months? Haha ok I believe you.

The complete lack of evidence suggests that the Egyptians didn't build the great pyramid.