Which strategy works best?


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Hey, I just wanted a piece of advice from some fellow DJ's..because of my situation. It is well known to me and others, if you meet a cute girl out some where and she seems interested you, go for the close right away. Obviously, this technique works because you most likely will never run into the girl again (if you fail to get the number).........


What about situations where you will most likely see the girl 4x a week.

For example, I get good vibes from this cute chick in the cafeteria (Smiles). I broke the ice the other day and struck up a brief conversation. This has been followed up by two more brief conversations (Example, we are both near the buffet, getting food). Cafeterias are hard to get a persons full attention because one is in the process of getting their food or they have friends coming up and talking to them. You don't want to steal the persons time, so you keep it short and sweet. What do you do in these situations? Do you go for the number quickly or do you take your time to get to know each other better before you go for the kill. My gut tells me take things slow because going for the close right away makes you seem needy or desperate (Due to the fact she knows she will bump into you again and again)

Help a brother out.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Awesome. Good move.

Pique her interest by showing different sides of yourself. DD talks about 'social proof'... hang around some buddies one of the days... have some laughs going on... shoot the **** proper with your boys... get some random convo going on with other people in the cafeteria... small jokes and small talk with other guys/chicks... create a light environment. I'm guessing if you're seeing her in the cafeteria 4x a week, then there are other regulars you'll be noticing... *and they're noticing you as well*
Be the popular guy that everybody feels comfortable around... ask people how their day's going... be open to cracking jokes about the negatives when people start *****in and moaning and complaining.
When you do this, you accomplish two things...
1. You establish yourself as a person who, in her eyes, is someone she's going to want to know.
2. You present less threat to her, because she sees that everybody else accepts you.

Then when you start to establish deeper convo with her during lunch break, she's not seeing you as just some creep who's coming onto you, worried about what other people are thinking when they see you approaching her. She sees you as a good guy from the cafeteria who's socially adept... good company... and even a good potential 'buddy' ;).

Note of caution though: Define what you want in your interactions though. If you're anticipating just gettin up in that, and leaving her, there may be consequences if you DO see her when you DON'T want to see her, nahmean?



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
In my personal opinion, I say go for the number at least by the third convo. Wasting any more time is just going to give her enough time to meet other guys, who won't be wasting any time. Establishing social proof does nothing but cut into the effort you should be using to go in for the kill.