I've always been curious about this topic and every now and then ponder about. Always i've assumed offspring height is dependent on the mother's side. But thinking of my other relatives...that theory has not been too consistent.
on another note, i've noticed odd genetic outcomes...i know some friends like the eldest is the shortest child in the family....the youngest is the tallest..etc.
So really, is height determined by the maternal or paternal side of the family? Or is it possibly by the more dominant gene? Or possibly a combination of the parents' height = offspring height?"
on another note, i've noticed odd genetic outcomes...i know some friends like the eldest is the shortest child in the family....the youngest is the tallest..etc.
So really, is height determined by the maternal or paternal side of the family? Or is it possibly by the more dominant gene? Or possibly a combination of the parents' height = offspring height?"