That's the only protein I use. I use the CFM Whey Protein Isolate.
Mine is Protein, Vanilla flavoring and splenda and that is IT, with the exception of Aminogen in the mix.
This is the only thing I have used for years. Yes its expensive and I pay about $10.50-$11 a pound. Mines the real deal too, and not some fake protein that claims to be a real CFM Isolate (yes it exists and companies mask and change wording so you believe its what you are getting, but it isn't)
Mine contains 0g carbs, 0g fat and 27g protein per 1/3C
Whey Conc is the best form for you if you are on a budget and usually runs about $5/lb
Little fat and carbs and less protein per serving.
1/3C CFM= 90% protein per serving
1/3C Whey Conc= 69% protein per serving
These are all basic and companies will vary a hair depending on what they include in their mix. This is why I mentioned in the other thread about how all those other proteins.. BSN stuff, etc etc were pure junk. Read the label.
For instance the thread I talked about, Interceptor said good proteins were...
BSN's Syntha 6
Cytosport Muscle Milk
Muscletech Nitrotech
Wellements Pro Blend 55
VPX Zero Impact
VPX NitronX
MHP Probolic
Labrada ProV 60
I pointed out that he was wrong, and he laughed when I told him I hated to rain on his parade, yet I never got an answer as to why he was correct and I was wrong.
Wasn't a mudslinging contest, but a question to him as to WHY those were good choices for a protein. I didn't get a response, but i'll tell you why.
Who ever reads this, PAY ATTENTION and you'll be smarter than the next guy/kid at your gym who tells you that you should go out and buy Nitro Tech.
Here is what people fail to realize when they are picking their protein.
You want a PROTEIN powder right? Just like if you want a bowl of ice cream, you want that, and not nuts, whipped cream, a cherry, bananas, etc etc. Hey... I asked for ICE CREAM ONLY.
So what's wrong with those proteins you asked?
Lets break down BSN's Syntha 6 protein as an example...
A Sustained Release Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix Comprised Of (Ultrafiltered Whey Protein Concentrate [Milk] Rich In Alpha Lactalbumin, Microfiltered Whey Protein Isolate [Milk] Rich In Whey Isolate Peptide Fractions, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Alpha And Beta Caseins And Caseinates [Milk], Milk Protein Isolate [Milk], Egg Albumin [Egg], Glutamine Peptides), Richmix Sunflower Powder Consisting Of (Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate [Milk], Mono-Glycerides, Di-Glycerides, And Dipotassium Phosphate), Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder, Litesse®II Polydextrose, Natural And Artificial Flavors, Nutrisperse MCT Powder Consisting Of (Medium Chain Triglycerides, Nonfat Dry Milk, Di-Sodium Phosphate, Silicon Dioxide), Ticalose® Cellulose Gum, Sucralose , Acesulfame Potassium, Lecithin [Soy], Aminogen®, Papain
What in the hell is all of that garbage in there? Yeah, you have a blend of proteins, but so what, its 22g per scoop, so you know what that blend looks like? Yeah, not very good.
MCT powder? Come on... And Cellulose Gum? What the heck for? Oh yeah, to put less of everything else in, I forgot. Corn Syrup Solids? (wow)
Now do the math on the protein... And you get 50% protein in that scoop you're putting in water.
I'm not going to even touch the new NitroTech Hardcore. 20g protein, and then they tout the stupid studies on the product and gaining weight, and blah blah, but look at the rest of the formula.
The point is, do you want a PROTEIN powder or a so called MRP or 300 in one product disguised as a protein powder?
Your protein powder should contain NOTHING more than protein, flavoring and swetener, and Aminogen.
Heck if you want to be hardcore about it, you can get CFM Whey or Whey Conc WITH NOT FLAVORING OR SWEETENER. Yes, JUST protein, but beware the taste.
Here is another thing. I get 75 servings @ 27g protein per serving out of 5lbs. Now tell me what you get out of the others at 2.2lbs
I paid about the same price as they want for the BSN stuff. If you compare prices and servings. I got another 15serv out of it.
This basically is saying you have to have more pounds of other stuff to equal the same amount of protein as a PLAIN protein powder.