Where to start?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
I attend university and still know hardly anyone here. I have a few friends here and there, but during the 3 years I've been here so far, I have banged hardly any chicks and haven't really formed any new friendships. I just never get a chance to meet any new girls because I hardly know anyone. So I am basically forced to join clubs or become more open in the classroom. I have tried to do both so far and I feel like I am still not getting anywhere with any women. There was one girl in the philosophy club I am in that seemed interested in me, but she all of the sudden stopped coming to the club meetings ever since a few weeks ago.

I just don't know hardly any girls here and that is simply why I am not banging any of them. I feel so ackward doing the whole cold approach thing, especially at a college setting. I have no friends to hang out with on the weekends usually because they all work every night. I have even contemplated on getting some kind of job on campus or nearby campus where I can meet more women. Otherwise, I just don't know where to start with all of this. Are cold approaches really the only way to go?


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Come on man if you feel awkward cold approaching you don't get the whole DJ thing.

It's all about having the confidence (balls) to see a girl approach her and seduce her. That's what this whole thing is about and if you don't approach you have a 100% chance of failure.

Do you want to sit down and watch life pass you by till you die?

Do you want to end up getting married to some fat, ugly, controlling ***** when your 30 just so you don’t die alone?

Do you want to be an excuser your whole life?

Do you want to feel like you feel now for the rest of your life? (You know that feeling of mild depression, lonliness at night when your laying in bed)

Do you want to see f*cks like me taking all the hotties wile you sit on sosuave asking how to get hotties?


Do you want to be happy and successful with women and with life in general?

I'll assume you answerd yes to the last question only.

So what are you going to do?


Next time that you go to UNI get some EC (eye contact) with girls and say “HI” even if they drop EC right away.

Do that for a week

Next week approach some girls, say “Hi”, introduce your self and SEDUCE THEM.

Don’t let life slip you by man…………take control


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Understood. Where do you meet them and when though? I can never seem to find a good time to approach a girl. Every time I see one, they are either with a bunch of friends, studying (I wouldn't want to bother some girl while she is trying to study), or sitting by themselves at some dining area full of lots of people (so how do I know that they aren't waiting for their boyfriend or other friends in the last case?).

I have no problem meeting them at club meetings, because at those places they seem more willing to meet you. Problem is, there seems to be a smaller amount of them at those meetings. I don't intend to make as many excuses as possible, but I mean that's what it really boils down to. How do I know the chick isn't just waiting for her boyfriend or is even willing to talk to a stranger?

Red Ran Amber

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'm in college too but I just recently decided to start really focusing on cold approaching girls. So far I've found that girls tend to be the most responsive at parties and the least responsive when you just approach them around campus, though it also depends on the girl. Try to get a party connection or two. Talk to people next to you in class or people you meet in clubs or people who live near you and guide the conversation towards weekends and parties. Build a social life one conversation at a time. Improving your social life also does wonders for confidence, which affects everything else, and gives you things to talk about.

Of course, don't limit yourself only to girls at parties. If a girl is studying, try to notice how focused she is. If she looks up frequently or whenever people walk past, then she's approachable. If she's sitting by herself at the dining hall, then she's approachable. If she is waiting to meet her boyfriend, that will be the first thing out of her mouth. If she's waiting for a friend, then maybe you can meet her friend too. I usually just ask "Mind if I join you?" and I've never had one that just said yes. If you're really worried about them waiting for someone you could throw on "... or are you meeting someone already?" Granted they might be completely disinterested, but they usually at least try to be polite. Remember that whatever happens, it doesn't really matter in the long run. Look at it objectively, learn from it, and move on.

Clubs and jobs are also good opportunities to meet girls. You're placed directly in a social situation with girls so it's natural to talk to them, and as such they should be relatively open to conversation. Really, they're usually open to conversation in any case where you'll see them on a regular basis because they don't want to cause a perpetual awkward situation.

Other ideas: approaching girls sitting around campus drawing (easy opener) or sunning themselves, or sitting next to girls on the bus or in class and starting a conversation. I have yet to try the bus approach because I still have issues with approaching when so many people are right there to hear, but it seems a natural time to do it since you're sitting right next to her already. Waiting at the bus stop also provides some good opportunities.

The main thing seems to be learning to just see an opportunity and take it without worrying about whether you'll freak her out. Every approach I do, it seems that my ego gets a little tougher. Eventually I believe we should be able to approach in basically any situation with no apprehension, because it really doesn't matter how she responds if you don't let it bruise your ego.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
You need to learn the ways of the game. Make the girls attracted to you. Even if this means becoming the AMOG in these clubs. Make them want you.