Where Girls Go To Get Laid


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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A recent article, by Giuseppe Notte, going by this name suggests that guys go to dance classes to meet girls, specifically, salsa dance classes. As I am currently doing this, I think I can comment on the above mentioned article. I do not believe girls go to dance classes, generally speaking, or even specifically, to salsa dance classes, in order to get laid, as the title of the article suggests, nor do I believe the salsa dance class can or should replace the salsa club as a place to meet women/girls in order to get laid. However, I do agree that dance classes are a great place to meet women and I also agree with the author's approach to meeting women/girls in a dance class, which he outlines in his article, and suggest transplanting that approach to the salsa club. But beware, most of these women/girls are hispanic and may not speak much english.
As Geoffery Miller, author of "The Mating Mind", stated in his interview with David De Angelo, most mating rituals in the animal world involve some level of dance on the part of the male. Why would we think it would be any different for us? We're animals too. It's often been said that our "dancing self" is a reflection of our "sexual self", this works both ways. If a guy can dance well, he communicates through his body language that he is controlled, rhythmic, comfortable in his own skin, and in the case of certain dances like salsa, knows how to control the woman and is capable making her feel free in her body and that he's fun to be with. He can also pick up from her body language, as they dance, if she feels attraction for him, or how comfortable she is with her body, etc.
For centuries men have favored picking up women at dances, even if they can't dance, because they know that dancing puts women into a high emotional and mental state, they are experiencing pleasure in their own bodies and are more open or suggestable to experiencing more pleasure, that is, sexual pleasure.
I also, like the author of the above named article, suggest salsa dance as opposed to other types of dance. Salsa has certain romantic and sexual connotations associated with it. Not only this, but salsa is funner than most other ballroom, or other types of dances and it puts the male in control. Although salsa dance is evolving to allow the female more freedom and control, it is still largely a male dominated dance, which communicates the right things to a female's subconscious about you.
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Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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Honestly, I think more guys go to dance classes looking to meet cute girls than vice versa. I know this to be true from having spoken to several guys taking dance classes. I know some girls take dance classes to meet guys that will take them out dancing. Others just want to learn the moves so they don't look like a fool when they go out to a club w/their friends.