You must try factory stores. I love to shop at the Jackson Outlet Village (that's in Monmouth Cty. in NJ). You have all the great designer clothes for a fraction of the price you would pay at other stores. You might not always find the stuff that you have in mind, but since there's always some kind of clearance, you're bound to get a bargain somewhere.
One time I bought Calvin Klein dress pants for $29 each. Another time I bought great Gap pants for $21 each and a nice sweater for $10 !
Also search on the internet for men's style. You can get a good idea about the current trends on the websites of the designers. look for the websites of Gap, Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, etc.
Also check out It's a great site by all means, but the relevant part is the fashion section. It has lots of tips on dressing for all occasions and the latest trend information. also has a nice fashion section. Check it out.