where do you want to go in life?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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seriously.what do you want do? succeed in? not just with women.i know several on here have and very much so.but as a career.me? i want to become a flimmake/writer.that is my interest.although,i do sometimes wonder,am i creative enough? do i have the ambition? see,i cant go to school due to well,educational setbacks.yeah.it sucks.im being screwed over in life.its bad enough i feel the way feel and am the way i am.so yeah.so i mean,i cant move on in life as of now.i keep trying to tell myself,there is a light at the end of the tunnel.input please.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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I want to leave school in the US and move to Israel. Upon arriving I wish to serve in the IDF. After my service there, if still possible I'd love to go to a military academy, preferably Westpoint, and become an officer.

If I couldn't get into the academy I'd serve in the Army, or perhaps Marines to gain experience for my one day goal of being a mercenary aka defense contractor.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe
I will get a diploma here in italy in Liguistics in the next 1-2 years, by doing a whole five year high school program in just under two years, then I will get a technical diploma in computer sciences, meanwhile visiting my parents who will be leaving in England, my girlfriend living in Latvia, my friends living in the US and in Brazil. In order to make the necessary cash to make all these trips while studying, I will QUIT my job at Mc Donalds and give on-request computer assistance, start an e-commerce selling miscelaneous items I won't mention here so no one will steal my idea, and sell real estate (I know people selling who can't find buyers, and I know people who want to buy but can't find sellers). Then I will go to college in Oxford, Cambridge, Barkley, Harvard... but most likely Harvard, and by that time I'll be economically satisfied so I won't be going to Med School for the money. I will become a neurologist and possible brain surgeon, but only for a limited number of years, because after that I will use my income and small fortune to generate more income through investments. Then I will get married with my Latvian girlfriend, buy a leer jet, and go see the entire world as a happy millionaire (even though I had already seen it with her at 19, I was not rich enough to do it in total comfort). At one point I might get divorced and rethink my life (mid-life crisis), then I'll donate alot of my cash to charity and go work for free as doctor in Africa, after seeing the suffering of others and consequently suffering alot myself, I will detach myself from this world for two years while living in a Buddhist monestary, meditating. After my return I will have alot of sex with random women, then I will remarry my previous wife and have one child, male. I will teach him all that I've took my whole life to learn, so that he won't have to commit the same mistakes I did.

Luckly I won't become an alcoholic, but I'll get close, so I'll have to resort to once again travelling the world, this time on a sail boat. After several round trips my life will begin to lose meaning, but then I will remember all that I've learnt in the monestary, and will finally realize that I've been searching for happiness even though I've always had it. At this point I will settle down in a private island near the mediterranean, where I will live the last years of my life with my wife, living in total bliss... at least I would have liked so. She will die first, and so will my child, and I will be once again hit by depression- I will be old, and the only love I will still have is myself-- so I will return to my early childhood home, Brazil, and donate all my fortune personally, in a way that it will not be stolen by corrupted polititions. I will die in my sleep.

[Actual future may suffer some variation.]


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
I'll probley become a designer. Industrial or product, maybe something related to engineering. Or otherwise computer games and movie sets.
First I need to finish college then uni. Hopefully I can find a decent flexible way to make money in my spare time. Hopefully without having to work part time somewhere.

Can I ask you guys one thing?

When I leave uni, I might not have any experiance in design work. How would I get a job? Could I just show a company a protfolio of my work and ask them to give me some training?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Currently I'm 18. I want to make a career out of real estate, I just become a licensed real estate agent. I want to buy a house by 22,which I'm on pace to. I would like to be married and/or have a 360 Modena around 25. First kid and hopefull married by the time I'm 30. From there on I want to grow fat and have more kids,preferrably 3 or 4. Thats it! I'm very family oriented with my future,can't have a kid without a house to raise him in. I have realized at a young age that all my materialistic possessions,plasma TV,nice car,high end clothing and so on mean NOTHING when you have a little you who's smile means the world to you.