where did the 20 lbs go?


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2008
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hi I'm 17 years old.
I started body building last summer and was 128 lbs (I am a skinny guy).
currently my weight is 150 lbs.

I don't know if it's normal or not, but I don't look that different in the mirror.
I didn't take any pictures before and after nor did I take any fat measurements, but I do look pretty much the same I guess with a little more ripped and slightly pumped out look. I have a flat belly btw.

I train 3 times per week but not on a regular basis because I don't have time to go to the gym that often.

I use Anthony Ellis training program. And also, I don't train legs or back seriously as chest.
I eat about 4-5 meals per day but I don't take any supplements.

My question is : where did the 20 lbs gain go? Is it fat? If it is muscles, then why did not appear clearly since I am a skinny guy? If not all of the others mentioned, could it be that my body was naturally growing and I only gained about 5 lbs or so of lean muscle?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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Freddy.k said:
I train 3 times per week but not on a regular basis because I don't have time to go to the gym that often.

And also, I don't train legs or back seriously as chest.
First thing I want to mention is consistency. If your not going to the gym regularly 3 times a week, your probably only gonna see half results. And if your going to the gym less than that, then that could be why your not seeing much gains.

The second thing I want to point out is your legs and back. To become bigger and stronger you have to train these areas just as serious as your chest. So that means you need to squat and deadlift..

Now, to answer your question as to where 20 pounds went. Some of it will be muscle and some of it will be fat. In your case I wouldn't worry too much about it, If you keep gaining weight and training hard you will see more results.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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Freddy.k said:
I don't look that different in the mirror.
I didn't take any pictures before and after nor did I take any fat measurements, but I do look pretty much the same I guess with a little more ripped and slightly pumped out look.
You answered your own question in the bold text. Since we see ourselves everyday, we don't notice changes because they are very, very small day to day, but over time can be significant.

Since I started hitting it really hard in the gym again over the last 4 months (working out 4-5 days a week), I've had people comment on how I look leaner and bigger. However, since I haven't taken photos or weighed myself at all to actually track progress, I look largely the same from my own perspective.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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Krueg said:
The second thing I want to point out is your legs and back. To become bigger and stronger you have to train these areas just as serious as your chest. So that means you need to squat and deadlift..
Also this. You are really selling yourself short by not squatting and deadlifting regularly. I'm not a big deadlifter (need to get better on that), but I can tell you squatting will work wonders. I'm of the opinion back squats are the most beneficial exercises one can do. It's a heavy compound lift, and recruits more muscle fibers than any other lift. It will make you stronger overall. Works your legs in their entirety(obviously), your back, arms (to keep the weight stable), core, and it will force you to build bigger traps to hold heavier weight more comfortably, meaning if it hurts too much to simply hold the weight on your traps, it will force you to do more exercises to build up your traps to handle big weight sitting on them. With good form it also improves posture (it did for me).


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
dude how in zeus's fvck are you gonna grow without squats and deadlifts? if you cant do deadlifts , then at least do some rackpulls(i do rackpulls myself :D)...
biceps curls ain't gonna do sh!t for you.
you don't need supplements , just lift big compound exercises and you'll grow.

Incline bench press,rack pulls /deads and squats.
rows and OHM is optional