Back in 2006, I tried "making love" to a woman I was dating then. She put up with it for awhile, then asked me to bite her nipples so hard I thought I was going to bite them plumb off so that she could come. The next time I tried to "make love" was one morning with a different one, and she said "are you gonna f-ck me or just wallow around on top of me?" One in 2007 wouldn't come unless I f-cked her hard on the floor and gave her rugburns on her back. Then in 2009, I had one that got used to grabbing the bars on my bed and have us both hitting the wall so hard that dust came down and if I tried anything more slow or tender, she's start griping. Those were the "sweeter" more feminine ones I thought might respond well to "making love" but I think it was a turnoff for them. I pretty much gave up on "making love" then so haven't attempted it in 5 or so years now and just f them like some kind of jackhammer cyborg piston. Haven't hurt one yet, sometimes they say they can't walk straight, but seem to relish the pain, and they come better and faster. I think the days of women out there who like "making love" are long gone if ever existed outside hollywood love scenes.