when to call for a second date....


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
i met a girl two weeks ago at a club, through mutual friends. i called her up four days later and asked her to hang out... we did, we hung out, had a great time, i didn't make a move on her, and did not use any kino. that same nite, she says "lets hang out with our group of friends tomorrow nite" so I'm like, okay, that's cool cause i have the same friends.

i think that ended up being a lethal mistake... i think i came off as the "nice guy" who is really available... well - that was on saturday nite and now four days have passed and she hasn't contacted me... i did call her tonite [thursday] asking her what she's doing for the weekend.... i left a message on her cell phone, she did not return my call that evening.

tomorrow is friday and i may see her on sunday because of some mutual friends may be getting together...

my question

1. have i done anything wrong? she said last saturday nite that she wanted to hang out again.

2. when should i have called her? like two days after the last time we hung out?

3. what would a true DJ do in this situation?

thanks for your help


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
I think you have fallen into the friends zone. You made a big mistake by not initiating any kino or making a move on her.

If you want to try and revive your chances with her, you must take her out alone, not with friends. And lay heavy kino on her.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by \m/
I think you have fallen into the friends zone. You made a big mistake by not initiating any kino or making a move on her.

If you want to try and revive your chances with her, you must take her out alone, not with friends. And lay heavy kino on her.
Kino, a DJs best friend....


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJArlington

my question

1. have i done anything wrong? she said last saturday nite that she wanted to hang out again.

2. when should i have called her? like two days after the last time we hung out?

3. what would a true DJ do in this situation?

thanks for your help

Question 1: Yeah, pretty much. You hung out with this female on back to back days (Friday and Saturday) with the second day hanging with her friends. Go by her actions. If you ever had a girl that was really into you, you know don't have to worry about her not calling . A woman with high interest can't wait to hear your voice wanting to know more about you.

Question 2: In four days, if she calls you then you keep the conversations for no longer than 10 minutes and YOU get off the phone first. When you call her, it should be only when your setting up a date.

Question 3: Try to go out with her again doing something fun like an action date and display kino. If she resists, at least you know where you stand and not have to waste any more time with her.

A close mouth doesn't get fed!


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
In respones to the messages below, I have worse news... So the girl was suppose to call me at 6:30 on the nite of the first date, so we can meet up and drive down to hang out with my friends. she calls me at 7o'clock (got off work late) to say that she'll be late - here's the kicker - i called her up at 6:45 and left a message asking when she would be coming down.. should i have done that? i waited for her, she arrived one hour late...

please note that i rearranged my plans that nite so only i and her could hang out. may not have been the best approach but the date went exceptionally well...

any thoughts on if i should have done something differently?