I'm a junior and I was waiting in line to get my schedule changed the first day and this freshmans was standing opposite of (we were in the office, so it wasn't a straight line) and I noticed she had a binder with Biology I on the side, so I say "So, you're a freshman" and she was like yeah (big smile, had braces though, didn't know that) and then she asked my name and extended her handd for a hand shake. She had to go shortly after because it was her turn.
The next time I talked to her was a day or two later and she had forgotten my name (I had forgotten her's too like 5 minutes after I talked to her, but my friends (who were standing in line with me) helped me remember), but she seemed really nice.
I know a lot of people say ask for the number the first time you talk with them, but it just seems awkkward to ask them for that when you don't even know them. So, how would I go about talking to this girl again? Shhould I approach her or see if she says something to me next time. I don't like her or anything, I'm just trying to meet a lot of new girls.
Also, I still don't know how to approach girls in groups. I talked to her because she was just standing alone and looked bored. Also, how do I start talking to them? The "Hi, my name is blah blah blah" sounds too AFC to me for some reason.
The next time I talked to her was a day or two later and she had forgotten my name (I had forgotten her's too like 5 minutes after I talked to her, but my friends (who were standing in line with me) helped me remember), but she seemed really nice.
I know a lot of people say ask for the number the first time you talk with them, but it just seems awkkward to ask them for that when you don't even know them. So, how would I go about talking to this girl again? Shhould I approach her or see if she says something to me next time. I don't like her or anything, I'm just trying to meet a lot of new girls.
Also, I still don't know how to approach girls in groups. I talked to her because she was just standing alone and looked bored. Also, how do I start talking to them? The "Hi, my name is blah blah blah" sounds too AFC to me for some reason.