When the girls begin to lose interest.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Springdale, Arkansas
I've been trying to work myself to get somewhat intimate with a few girls and they show interest but then they tell me that they have a boyfriend. Or sometimes I gauge these girls interest for a while but then they begin to kinda get distant and it compels me to start trying harder and it ends up in me f*cking up.

I'm starting to get in the same predicament with a girl or two and I'm really clueless as to what I'm doing wrong.

I want to KINO them but I dont want to freak them out.

I really get compelled to make a move but I fear that I'll get slapped or overall rejected. Is there any other way of knowing that you have the green light to kiss a girl or make a move or do i just need to suck it up and go for it despite the possible consequebnces?

I know I sound really retarded but you know when you get stuck in a problem where you end up losing or killing yourself and afterwards you say to yourself, "I'm never going to let that happen to me again" but when that situation arises again you try really hard to understand what it is that you are doing wrong and after so many repeated failiures you just can't take it anymore and need to address it to someone who knows how to handle the situation? Well right now I feel that I'm doing something wrong in my interactions with girls I'm interested in.

this has happened to me time and time again and I'm frankly sick of being in this problem letting what you want slip away no matter how hard you try to keep it.

Go Springdale Bulldogs


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
just go balls deep man! Who cares if you get rejected. There are plenty of fish in the see. Don't look back, just go for it.
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
No don't go balls deep man. Btw, you sound really really familiar. I don't know but I have seen the name Mitch Mustain somewhere in a newspaper or internet I don't know. Maybe its a singer..anywho.

I had the same dilemma for the longest time and no you do not need to go balls deep.

Your problem is simply that after all your rehearsed routines and openers to gauge interest, you buckle and totally f*ck up before you actually realize that you've f*cked up. Look, girls are more than just a few lines and techniques. Understand that they are women(hypocritical to that Get a Chick Drunk tip ) and are human beings and you cannot just win them over with a password or something. this is how you are percieving it because I was for a long time until i got the big picture.

Look, your problem will keep haunting you because you've only learned the artificial part of getting girls but there's a much deeper aspect and this deeper conviction is what sets you apart from the mediocre PUA and a true pure breed learned all his sh*t properly PUA.

Your lines and techniques are just a mask to your obvious uncomfortableness with girls in general man, Think about it, when you become nervous and doubtful about closing a girl your body language is not radiating confidence anymore. You reek of insecuritty and this makes them uncomfortable. think about it. Whats the best solution? Well like the Metallica song, Fight Fire with Fire.

In other words, what I did was find about 7 girls who are attractive by my standards and......BEFRIEND THEM!

Yep, make female friends. Making friends with a few females will give you such a boost in your adventures in sarging, and attracting girls. When you solely interact with these girls for fun and nothing more you begin to learn more and more how these girls work. How they think, and in turn you adjust just like you do to the changes in the seasons. Do this I'm telling you.