When she submits


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2000
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Hey guys, I'm just getting back into the game here after a few years of semi AFC-nessnish and would appreciate your input on a cutie I'm deshielding! We work together in different departments and I'd call her about a 8. She is by far the alpha woman amongst her peers mainly because of her carraige and general kissmyass demeanor. I was able to get her interested fairly quickly by being somewhat inaccessible in her presence and eventually giving her some attention but immediately taking it away After a few conversations where she really tested me on my confidence and composure...she submitted. I've always been a believer of the 'natural order' of things in relationships-that in a healthy relationship, the man will 'wear the pants' . But conciously observing a beautiful woman screen a potential mate and really give him a hard time (ever notice how sexy women will ask you to repeat yourself often? I speak clearly but have noticed that if you have the slightest stumble or hesitation in your voice, a hottie will call you on it-at least initially.) only to finally crumble under his masculinity is a great feeling! It really feels like I've gone out to battle and conquered the enemy (sort of!).

So anyways, my question is this. Half of the time when I see her (especially around others) I pay her no mind and I can see it really gets her riled up. She's given up the ***** shield and now plays the offended 'how come you're being so mean and not chasing me' bs. Are the pickins right for the number close? Her signs say high IL and I enjoy her un*****ed personality and would like to check her out for a potential LTR. She is, however, the best looking woman to date that I've seduced in a non meat-market atmosphere and I don't want to rush things. Our little game really only started last week and she caved around friday. I could continue to flirt with her for a few more days and take the kino up a notch before getting the digits or I could just grab them thenext time I see her. Ultimately I want to build her up as much as I can before I commit myself so when I DO take her out, she's just a wreck and foaming at the mouth. This without playing too much and having her start to fade. I'm not sure what a female's tolerance is on this but would like some feedback in general!


Dec 15, 2004
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check out the tips forum and read the thread on creating triangles or better yet, go to google and type in robert greene find his forum and read and post there.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2000
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Not to sound like a prick, but I wrote some of the tips in the tips section...long ago as it was. I was looking for comments on this specific situation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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She is by far the alpha woman amongst her peers mainly because of her carraige and general kissmyass demeanor.
Sorry, I know this doesn't answer any of your questions but.....

Is this really the type of woman you want to be involved with?

You may be able to "wear the pants" initially but it has been my experience that these types of women only remain subdued for a short time.

If she thinks her shyt doesn't stink now, imagine after you've settled down into an LTR with a woman like her. Once she becomes comfortable with you my bet is she'll eventually turn into a pit master and you'll be the "yes dear" guy.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2000
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Yea, very good perspective Slickster...and I needed that. Unfortunately, I kind of dropped the ball at work and ignored her once or twice in passing-didn't really mean to, had stuff on my mind all day and honestly just didnt have sh*t to say so I kept walkin. Oops. She later returned the favor and purposely ignored me throughout the night-don't know if her IL dropped to 0 over that or if she wanted to play games but either way our flirting came to an immediate halt.

Unfortunately for me it's very hard sometimes to let a woman go because I'll idealize what our relationship COULD be. Nice cutie on your arm, goin out, hittin that fat azz everynight. Plus it's like, damn I invested time in her and we started to make progress, only for sh*t to spiral out of control. I'll try to refocus this weekend and if I see her on monday will at least make an attempt at damage control-if nothing else to guage her interest and move from there. As I write this though I know that the root of my problem is that I don't have enough options. So I'm stressin out and overanalyzing this one girl. Ouch I feel burned-it's 1am friday night, I got dissed by the lady I wanted and I'm sittin on the freakin computer! AGHHHHH


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
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Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.
ok i am missing some info here

one mail you flirt her

next mail you already got dished on your first date with her ?

i dont believe that you kinda ignoring her in job situation will make her ignore you on a proper date

if she is so; good riddens

there must have been something in the make-date scenario or during the date that turned her off ?

well no matter what; now its up to her to initiate whatever future there will be

you had a bad date, and no DJ will ask for a second date with a woman that gives a bad first date

however you express my own sentiments and feelings about 'idealizing' and 'fantazising' about a potential date so very well

whenever I catch myself doing this; i say:

oneitis oneitis GO AWAY !

remedy; have several woman you flirt and kino with

/ scordate


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2000
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Yup, you're right! Need...more...girls!!!

I never actually went out on a date with this chick though. We had just flirted and talked a few times in passing and I was about to go for the number when she flaked. But I think she flaked because she felt I was disinterested when I didn't speak to her-thereby protecting herself. That's why I think she's still salvageable, just gotta put the charm on this monday and let her know my mind was 'elsewhere'.

Heh, I hate to have to do damage control, but honestly I feel that it's as good as practice as workin on your patterns or whatever, cuz face it, we'll all have bumps in our dealings with chicks, and some of em (if we're honest) we want!

But you're right dood, when I talk to her again I'll have to boot her if she's gameplaying. A little protectiveness I can understand but if she acts like she doesn't know what I'm talkin about and shows 'revenge' type tactics, then I'll know she aint for me-because I'm looking for someone with a some substance.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
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Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.
ok I get it, milesman is also working at night !

so she just 'also' ignored you but at work ?

go there monday, dont explain and dont ask nothing about what happened friday

if she acts 'sour' say something like;
"you have tooth-ache or what ?"

everytime you talk to her think about the other women you are dating !

/ scordate


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2000
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Heh, yea she started to ignore me after she felt I ignored her. Kinda childish I know.

So you think when I see her next I should just act like nothing happened and just go back to talking/flirting?? I've heard this before, when a chick tries some nonsense, just don't bring it up like it didnt even cross your mind and not give her the satisfaction.

Remember now, my goal is to get this hotie to submit. I still think she is attracted to me, but I'm guessing this NEW scenario is part of her testing.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.
yes IMHO you focus on what works for you and ignore what works for her;

not to give a lecture here but remember Kennedy and the Cuban Crises ?

at the time when WW3 could begin anytime Krutsjev sent Kennedy a letter where he caved in

while Kennedy was composing a reply, a second letter from Krustjev came, this time caving in but under certain conditions

so Kennedy had 2 letters to reply to; how ?

he replied only to the first letter and ignored the second letter

of course had Krustjev not accepted the reply to the first letter, Kennedy would still be left with a problem

so milesman; ignore her games and dont go there at all

this will also set a standard for the future that you are not going to play by her drum, right ?

/ scordate


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2000
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Great advice scordate. I'm very impressed and look forward to more of your posts! I'll remember to 'set the tempo' and always be a leader, not a follower during the CHASE. :p