This will happen to you eventually. You'll be out and an attractive girl will approach you thinking you are someone else. When she realizes her error she will say "Oh my God, you look just like (so and so)". Now, when a woman says you look like anyone famous, you know it's a compliment, but what if she says you resemeble someone you never met, like "her friend Jim"?
Here's a reply I've used without fail: "He must be a good looking guy".
In nearly 100% of cases she will laugh but will also say "He IS!" and will extend her hand and introduce herself. That's because when a woman approaches you for any reason, it's to talk to you (and she says you resemble someone she already likes). Once this happens you're in like Flynn (or if you're with a date she'll see how smoothly you meet new women), so be prepared.
How do you handle this common situation?
Here's a reply I've used without fail: "He must be a good looking guy".
In nearly 100% of cases she will laugh but will also say "He IS!" and will extend her hand and introduce herself. That's because when a woman approaches you for any reason, it's to talk to you (and she says you resemble someone she already likes). Once this happens you're in like Flynn (or if you're with a date she'll see how smoothly you meet new women), so be prepared.
How do you handle this common situation?