when people say no 1 likes u and u hav no frieds


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
today in school this guy goes to me 'no one likes you and you have no friends'. what the hell do i do when some one says that? i no that i have no real good friends at school but i didnt think people paticurlly disliked me. no one really acts like they dont like me, but mabey theyre just being kind or something. when this guy said this a few poeple came and agreeed with him and told me i hallucinate friends or something. i dont really care what one guy thinks about me but i dont want it to be like everyone hates me and i dont take the hint or something like that. I'm pretty sure not everyone hates me but i think i should stay a way from him and his friends if they were serious cause no way do i want to be a tag along. of course this guy could of been joking but all the times ive seen someone say that they weren't. And what should i say when poeple say that to me? this time i just tried to deck him but thats not a great response.
or am i overanalsing this? should i just forget about it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
That has got to suck. It happened to me once, and now look where I am. Well if you could see me, you would know. lol

I guess you can work on getting friends, or something.

I eventually got better, but it was on my own, with out sosuave.

You have the advantage.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
u know somethang, **** his ass. someone told that to me before. u know wut i said "do i give a **** wut u think, now go on ur ******* way and keep being jealous tat u ain't me. stupid muther ****er." and if it was a group. i would say, "well i'm glad i aint a group of some ***** ass haters. **** u *****es."