When is the right time? Is there a right time?

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, so I met this Hb the other day at a coffee shop (on one of my pickup attempts) and after shooting the sh*t for a little, I decided to go for her #. As expected from you dj's I called 3 days after I got her digits and we decided to meet up and go to the gym (since we both go to the same gym). All went well, and to make a long story short, we ended up meeting again 3 days after to go out with my friends along with her friends. Although neither of us got drunk, we spent most of the night dancing, talking, and of course using good kino. However, we did not kiss, just simply because I like to make her wonder and also to carry it on until the breaking point. Now, here's the part I am unclear about. When do you all recommend to go that extra step? Should I keep on holding off until things get hotter than they are, or should I go for it soon before her imagination makes her think other things? Like I said, she definetely follows and even starts the kino, but I also don't want her to get uninterested. Let me know what you dj's think I should do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
If you wait too long to kiss her then she'll think you're not attracted to her or have no balls.

Kiss her already. You can hold off on the sex part if you want to drive her nutts.