Good evening gentlemen, sit down pull up your chairs and grab a cold one. All right class is in session...So, what's all this confusion about IOIs? Well, think of the IOI issue this way. A lot of times when products are sold the research has been done as to what the demographic is like (their tastes, values, motivations and other assumptions based on these related factors). The importance of this is to save time and effort while achieving results by getting your target demography to patronize you. The upside with this is that you if you know how to read and interpret the clusters of IOI (keyword here is clusters) you will improve your accuracy. The downside to waiting on IOIs is that it limits one's chances. The thing to keep in mind about IOIs is that there has to be a mixture of them occurring together. So, for example if a girl is maintaining strong eye contact, applying her lips stick, touching herself...gentlemen we have a winner, lol.
By not waiting for IOIs in other to approach a girl you increase the number of girls you approach and also build your resistance to rejection. The downside is that you could be wasting too much time shooting in the dark. If you are meeting all these girls in the same place it could become so obvious if you go from one girl to the next. Most times if I'm not in the mood to approach a girl IOIs from a girl might motivate me. My advice to you is up cold approach and IOIs as they both have their advantages. Alright, gentlemen this class is adjourned.