I used to get into fights frequently. Stupid random bar shenanigans i usually let slide. It ruins you entire night and complicates things with friends. A few weeks ago, this really obnoxious co worker from my old team (i left before he joined), was talking to my close co worker from the my previous team. She is a manager of 4 people from the team and really nice but not his direct manager. This guy is talking sh1t all night and disrespects her and yells at her while were drinking. I come at the guy and he tries to deflect with what he thinks are comments i don't understand.
I call him out saying "Atleast i have the balls to tell someone directly to their face i don't like them without have turn my face to the side and blow **** into the air." He briefly looked at me and at a table with everyone at it, including my old big boss who's name is on the company website, i said "Yes, you. i'll tell you i don't like you to your face and i have no problem with it."
The guy then proceeds to touch me and tell me to calm down. Everyone knows i'm mad and everyone dislikes this guy and understands. He makes sly comments and disrespects his manager and my previous bosses in a way they can't say anything back. No one stopped me and they all just watched while i *****ed this guy out.
He kept telling me to "chill, chill." I told him "I am chill, but if you want, we can work this out outside. Come on, lets go." I grabbed him by the shoulders and proceeded to take him outside with me (i never had the intention of fighting him, just talking and scaring him). He kept trying to run away, until we made it outside and he apologized for everything he said and that he's not good with words. He would watch what he says in the future.
I have anger issues so it may be a cop out, who knows. All i know is, when someone tries to bully me or anyone i'm close to, i know i need to take a stand. You face bullies head on or they walk all over you. I haven't won all my fights (physically), but i've never had a bully every try that sh1t with me again. THey know, if they tried that sh1t again, they'll have to take it outside and win or lose someone's getting hurt.
That guy has shut up and shaped up ever since and i did not get in trouble as i didn't lay a hand on him.
Also, you never want to be the guy that has "Let's take it outside." said to you IMO. It just means you're bad at diffusing the situation/can't walk away. If someone's being an idiot, just walk away or go to a different area. If they don't leave you alone, your friends will probably tell him to back off and his friends will most likely notice he's being an idiot. You also have no obligation to go outside with them anyway. If a drunk idiot tells me to take it outside with him because he bumped into me and spilled my beer, i would say "No thanks." go back to the bartender and get myself a new beer and head back to my friends.
Outside of a bar if a random stranger tells you to take it outside, you've probably pissed him off and it's probably you're fault to a certain extent.