Originally posted by squirrels
In what way does she not "trust" you?
Trust is an interpretation of a set of behaviors. What are these behaviors? From this, we could better analyze.
This maybe part of it...but...IMO, trust isn't how she interpretates your set of behaviors, rather, her trust in you can also be associated in the amount of security she has in herself.
If she's insecure, doesn't trust you, your friends, your lifestyle, then, you have bigger issues to worry about than bedding this chick - like your car being keyed, her going to your work enraged and jealous, or her stalking you.
Personally, I never LTR an insecure chick. I don't suplicate my behaviors to satisfy her insecurities. I've done this in the past - I've let go of friends that she didn't approve, I'd stop going out late nights so she wouldn't keep nagging me - unfortunately, when this happens, she has already started to control your life.
Be a man, be independant, live your life, do the things that make you happy..if she can't deal with it - Next the chic.