When girlfriend wants to be the top priority.

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Jun 28, 2013
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Have you guys faced this? We are all learning that we are the prize, we have better things to do, girlfriend is not the most important thing in our life; the dream and ambition is. Now if the relatinoship starts to go very deep, and commitment is very high. She now starts to ask you whetever she is the most important thing in your life, because for her you are the most important in her life, so naturally she wants the same mutual commitment. Now if you put your job or ambition higher than her, it might hurt her very much, disturb her, and there is not really a point to break a very meaningful relationship that might possibly turn into marriage and a long lifetime relationship for a job or a ambition. Or is there?

A girl will never be able to understand what is so great, valuable in ambition, jobs.. she doesn't have the same convinced mindset as you. She will have much value in you, and if you put something nonsesne as ambition higher than her, she might consider what is wrong with this.
And rememeber, she doesn´t understand or she isn´t aware that the ambition is what she is very much attracated. All she knows is that she will never chase anything with that much willpower, she doesn´t get it, there is no point for her! Her husband brings everything back home.. she has taken her husbands ambition for granted..

Will you just blatantly tell her in the face: "No, you are not the most important thing in my life, I live for something greater than you - or far greater." That would simply hurt her so much, propaply will search for a guy who likes her as much as she likes him.

Thoughts! A tricky situation.. maybe before considering marriage, she will think about this first. Propably.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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Marriage? Are you ****ing kidding me right now? First of all, there is no rational MAN who marries in this day and age. So therefore your entire thread is invalid, I should leave it at that but because I'm in such a great ****ing mood, the birds are chirping (they woke me up, sons of *****es), the sun is shining (right in my eyes) and the children are playing in with the refuse garbage (those annoying little psycho basterds) this morning couldn't be any better so I'll help you out a little.

The situation is easy as hell. The women I like, likes a man with drive and amibtion. A man with relentless motivation to make his own dreams come true. She can be part of it and enjoy the adventure of her life. She does not come second, she comes as part of my plan. She is confined in being a feminine and submissive women, she will take care of the children for the most part, I will take care of all the logical stuff, like money and work. I will decide the course of our life's and she enjoys the freedom that comes with it. She can be her best self while being with me.

I will make her better and more happy than she could've been on her own. There is no way she could ever wish to exterminate something that makes her want me in the first place. Honestly, who likes a man with no job, no money, no future, no drive, no ambition. Nothing. Who the **** likes a bum? Nobody! That's who. I am the prize because I make it all happen. Without me there is no awesome life that everybody who takes part in it can enjoy. I am the center and she ****ing enjoys it.

Honestly Olivia, your logic does not make sense. It seems to me that you are using feelings instead of rational thought. As feelings conform to the strongest, I will simply be the strongest. As an INTJ, I am simply made to be on my own path and make my own dreams come true, my partner the ENFP is simply born to be submissive to my plans. She is born to be happy with a man like me. I can't help but want a women like her, she can't help but want to be with a man like me. We are born this way.

Olivia, you are different from the women I described, you can not understand these women and you can not understand me as a man. It is not that you are ignorant or stupid. It is simply that the way you are born dictates that you CAN'T know. Not today, not tomorrow. You will never fully grasp the true meaning of a man with a dream and the women being there to support him. You are not what some (and I said some) describe as a worthy women.


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
Yes. I will start with your last part. I learned game from my very young age. In fact, so much that I lost interest in men. Now men are conditioned to be manly from the very childhood and women are conditioned to be womanly. I was conditioned a little bit diffrenty, my upbringing was a little bit diffrent from most woman. I did the boyish things and the boys in my childhood did the woman things. They were scared to do any extreme; I was the one who was excited for any extremes.

Now you brought my logic in here. I will make it clear too: I don't live by logic. For me, life is not logic, it is illogical. There is love and then hate, there is day and then night, there is happiness and then sadness. It is part of the whole. If you choose logic, you only choose half the part. You say this is right and you repress the other part. You are against the other part. I am saying that if you are for something, then automatically you are against something too. You cannot be for alpha and for beta. You are for alpha and you are against being beta. I say life is illogical, both alpha and the omega, both love and hate, both day and night, happiness and sadness. And that is far more truer. Have you observed? When you are happy, you have already prepared to become sad. Now logic will say that if you are happy, then you are happy, there is no question about sadness arising. But logic is false. If you are happy, soon, you will be sad, and then agian, soon you will be happy. As day and night. There is day and then night, and then again day. It is illogical.

Now tell me, you say you will make the woman you like, much more happier than she could have been on her own. Are you conscious of what you are saying? If you can make her happier than on her own, you are a god. If you can make her happier, and also not make her more sad, then there is a point. But you will make her cry and hurt much more than she was on her own. I have never come across a couple who is happy ever after. After the honeymoon.. after everything is settled.. When you are living together, maybe for a week it all seems beautiful, paradise-like. But just after a week, hell starts assending.

Now also, as long as i am here, I will be giving every each of your logic a challenge. If your logic is true, it cannot be changed, it cannot be convinced to change. And as far as I am concerned, I will challenge every one of you to test how strong your logic is. How right it is. And also, if any moderate does not like this, they can tell me before I am kicked out of this forum. I will stop challengin your logic. It will simply prove that your logic can be changed.

And as I have said before, for someone, I dont remember, if you mind, stop cussing, if you don't mind, you can go on cussing. No problem. I have simply started to question whetever it is a manly trait too, because I see way too many cussing around this forum. For me, it is very unattractive trait of a man. A man should not cuss, he doesn't even care enough to cuss, he simply lives for himself, he is simply focusing on his dream, he doesn´t even have the energy to cuss. It is just waste of energy.

You never answered my question. In fact, you just went on around and around never answering my question. I asked, if a woman ask you whetever.. whetever she is the most important thing in your life, will you just tell her straight blatantly, "No, I live for my dream, something greater, far greater." And you went and said that women will enjoy your life. Far more than she could have been on her own.

And then you say, "
Olivia, you are different from the women I described, you can not understand these women and you can not understand me as a man. It is not that you are ignorant or stupid. It is simply that the way you are born dictates that you CAN'T know. Not today, not tomorrow. You will never fully grasp the true meaning of a man with a dream and the women being there to support him. You are not what some (and I said some) describe as a worthy women."

First of all, who are you to know the way i borned. Are you a god? Now I agree that I lived a very different childhood, compared to any ordinary girls childgood. I used to fight teachers all the time, questioning everything, never accepting any answer untill it convinced me for good. And you said that I will never fully grasp the true meaning of a man with a dream and the women being there to support him. You are right. For me that is simply stupid. We are living in a society where everyone can live indepently, not depent on anybody. Because women were biologically more valuable than men, men had to start to dominate woman, making them their slaves. Now this is very deep into history, maybe from the very beginning, when there was no societys - did this happen. And untill this very moment here and now, it is still going on, which is simply stupid. Woman has already taken back their pride and independency, value in the society. Now you can see woman starting to raise in to the top of the world. You can see many more woman in the top of any job. And there is the feminine movement.. they are starting to take back their dominance over men.

What I am saying is that your logic, if not challenged, will simply fall. You need to move a little bit deeper than just ambition in order to attract woman, since woman has already started their movement.. and soon, it will not take long, but they will be back on their pride. They will once again be more valuable biologically than men, and then men will be at loss again. And I am not talkning about now. As far as now is concerned, you can still attract them, but once they start, and they have already started, once they get more and more on the top of jobs, how can you attract them anymore? You have to raise even higher! You will not see any top woman attracted to any low man.

It will not take long before women start to learn game, the way I did. Once they realise you guys are doing this underground, once they see that they are being gamed, and not taken seriouisly, they will feel deeply manipulated. Then what to do? They will naturally learn your guys game, and once that happens.. there will be deep resentment and hatred towards the game you played, and once that happens.. no attraction is left. There is no possibility of love without respect. Now I have already started, and I have already imprinted my surroundings to understand game, and from what I see, they start to lose all attraction towards guys, the way I did.

There is one great friend who teaches game and alphaness. His name is Shark, from solvemygirlproblem. He told me, and even writes in his blog that once woman start to learn and understand game, they lose all atraction towards guys. And that is exactly what happened to me, what happened to my close friends. Soon, I will be spreading and once this starts to spread, you guys will be at loss. Once the whole world knows about game, you guys will be at loss, where to get pvssy. Naturally these girls will at the most be attracted to the top 5% of the world. And the rest... the rest will have to fight in order to get to the top 5%, so fight hard! Hang-in-there.

I will wait for your logic-answers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada

This is an interesting point you raise. You are young, and it is perhaps difficult for you to see that many a times ambition/goals aren't simply that of the man, but are a common goal in the relationship. These are goals from which both partners would benefit. Having high level goals/ambition is a mark of self actualization, (see Maslow's pyramid)... I think people are in general happier when they strive to achieve goals and dedicate their life to something. Relationships work better when both partners are happy! I think the key in these cases is to ensure that there is strong communication in the relationship so that both partners understand the need for sacrificing time with each other, etc. in order to achieve some higher goal.

I'm 31. I've been married for over 2 years, and we've been together in a committed relationship for over 6 years. I'm lucky in that I have a great relationship with an awesome girl. My wife is my best friend, and I've never felt that close to anyone before. There have been many instances where I haven't put my wife first... but it was all for the greater good. Typically to do with finances, etc. She wasn't/still isn't happy about it, but she knows its stuff I gotta do to ensure a better life for us in the future.

You'll find many guys on here want a submissive women, who they want relegated to traditional household shiit... I'm not like that. I want a woman whom is strong, yet feminine, who complements my weaknesses and vice versa. I want someone who can stand by me in the battle of life and cover my back, but also take the initiative if shiit should hit the fan. I want someone who will call me on my bullshiit when I screw up. I want someone I can joke around with, but still be emotionally close with and someone who I have intense physical attraction for. Perhaps most importantly, I want someone who will push me, and make me wanna be the best man that I can be. I strongly believe that a woman like this will understand my ambition and help me achieve it.

Here's an example from my life: Both of us are very busy people. I work 50 hours on average at the hospital, and usually another 10-20 hours a week for my business. I also have to do all the paper work/emailing, finance stuff, etc. I also like to go to the gym 5 days a week (keeps me sane!). My wife works full time and also runs a couple of businesses. She's also big into fitness and works out 4-5 days a week as well as teaches boot camps and is a member of a rowing club. She is also doing her masters in psychology via correspondence. Despite being busy we do our best to balance our schedules so that we can maximize our time together. We communicate and compromise and balance our busy schedules. I understand when she's too busy to spend time with me and vice versa.

In the end its all about balance, communication and sometimes compromise.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Olivia said:
Yes. I will start with your last part. I learned game from my very young age. In fact, so much that I lost interest in men. Now men are conditioned to be manly from the very childhood and women are conditioned to be womanly. I was conditioned a little bit diffrenty, my upbringing was a little bit diffrent from most woman. I did the boyish things and the boys in my childhood did the woman things. They were scared to do any extreme; I was the one who was excited for any extremes.

Now you brought my logic in here. I will make it clear too: I don't live by logic. For me, life is not logic, it is illogical. There is love and then hate, there is day and then night, there is happiness and then sadness. It is part of the whole. If you choose logic, you only choose half the part. You say this is right and you repress the other part. You are against the other part. I am saying that if you are for something, then automatically you are against something too. You cannot be for alpha and for beta. You are for alpha and you are against being beta. I say life is illogical, both alpha and the omega, both love and hate, both day and night, happiness and sadness. And that is far more truer. Have you observed? When you are happy, you have already prepared to become sad. Now logic will say that if you are happy, then you are happy, there is no question about sadness arising. But logic is false. If you are happy, soon, you will be sad, and then agian, soon you will be happy. As day and night. There is day and then night, and then again day. It is illogical.

Now tell me, you say you will make the woman you like, much more happier than she could have been on her own. Are you conscious of what you are saying? If you can make her happier than on her own, you are a god. If you can make her happier, and also not make her more sad, then there is a point. But you will make her cry and hurt much more than she was on her own. I have never come across a couple who is happy ever after. After the honeymoon.. after everything is settled.. When you are living together, maybe for a week it all seems beautiful, paradise-like. But just after a week, hell starts assending.

Now also, as long as i am here, I will be giving every each of your logic a challenge. If your logic is true, it cannot be changed, it cannot be convinced to change. And as far as I am concerned, I will challenge every one of you to test how strong your logic is. How right it is. And also, if any moderate does not like this, they can tell me before I am kicked out of this forum. I will stop challengin your logic. It will simply prove that your logic can be changed.

And as I have said before, for someone, I dont remember, if you mind, stop cussing, if you don't mind, you can go on cussing. No problem. I have simply started to question whetever it is a manly trait too, because I see way too many cussing around this forum. For me, it is very unattractive trait of a man. A man should not cuss, he doesn't even care enough to cuss, he simply lives for himself, he is simply focusing on his dream, he doesn´t even have the energy to cuss. It is just waste of energy.

You never answered my question. In fact, you just went on around and around never answering my question. I asked, if a woman ask you whetever.. whetever she is the most important thing in your life, will you just tell her straight blatantly, "No, I live for my dream, something greater, far greater." And you went and said that women will enjoy your life. Far more than she could have been on her own.

And then you say, "
Olivia, you are different from the women I described, you can not understand these women and you can not understand me as a man. It is not that you are ignorant or stupid. It is simply that the way you are born dictates that you CAN'T know. Not today, not tomorrow. You will never fully grasp the true meaning of a man with a dream and the women being there to support him. You are not what some (and I said some) describe as a worthy women."

First of all, who are you to know the way i borned. Are you a god? Now I agree that I lived a very different childhood, compared to any ordinary girls childgood. I used to fight teachers all the time, questioning everything, never accepting any answer untill it convinced me for good. And you said that I will never fully grasp the true meaning of a man with a dream and the women being there to support him. You are right. For me that is simply stupid. We are living in a society where everyone can live indepently, not depent on anybody. Because women were biologically more valuable than men, men had to start to dominate woman, making them their slaves. Now this is very deep into history, maybe from the very beginning, when there was no societys - did this happen. And untill this very moment here and now, it is still going on, which is simply stupid. Woman has already taken back their pride and independency, value in the society. Now you can see woman starting to raise in to the top of the world. You can see many more woman in the top of any job. And there is the feminine movement.. they are starting to take back their dominance over men.

What I am saying is that your logic, if not challenged, will simply fall. You need to move a little bit deeper than just ambition in order to attract woman, since woman has already started their movement.. and soon, it will not take long, but they will be back on their pride. They will once again be more valuable biologically than men, and then men will be at loss again. And I am not talkning about now. As far as now is concerned, you can still attract them, but once they start, and they have already started, once they get more and more on the top of jobs, how can you attract them anymore? You have to raise even higher! You will not see any top woman attracted to any low man.

It will not take long before women start to learn game, the way I did. Once they realise you guys are doing this underground, once they see that they are being gamed, and not taken seriouisly, they will feel deeply manipulated. Then what to do? They will naturally learn your guys game, and once that happens.. there will be deep resentment and hatred towards the game you played, and once that happens.. no attraction is left. There is no possibility of love without respect. Now I have already started, and I have already imprinted my surroundings to understand game, and from what I see, they start to lose all attraction towards guys, the way I did.

There is one great friend who teaches game and alphaness. His name is Shark, from solvemygirlproblem. He told me, and even writes in his blog that once woman start to learn and understand game, they lose all atraction towards guys. And that is exactly what happened to me, what happened to my close friends. Soon, I will be spreading and once this starts to spread, you guys will be at loss. Once the whole world knows about game, you guys will be at loss, where to get pvssy. Naturally these girls will at the most be attracted to the top 5% of the world. And the rest... the rest will have to fight in order to get to the top 5%, so fight hard! Hang-in-there.

I will wait for your logic-answers.
You are a 19-year-old who knows zero about life in general and how the world really works...only a fool or a simp would put a woman before his own goals and ambitions......reason being is that we all have a much higher purpose here in this world then to have a fantasy style life with another person of the opposite sex....if it is mean't to be that way and it happens fine...but it is not right to make something like that a priority...we are each here for our own purpose...to atone for sins from past lives...to learn true compassion, empathy, and most of all to be able to help others and evolve spiritually....

and to really help others and change things on a broader scale, you must become someone of note yourself first....it isn't about finding your one true and only love and crap like that....there are soulmates or kindred spirits from other lives, but that will all work itself out naturally as long as you follow your path.....and it's not something to seek out at all....just a natural occurrence...that could be in this life or the next one or the next one and yada yada....

most guys come to this site in hopes of improving themselves with women...but it's really about improving yourself as a person therefore attracting more of what you want and it starts with a basic mindset..making yourself the best that you can be physically and emotionally and mentally.......yeah, ofcourse, we all like to indulge ourselves in casual fun with the opposite sex and it can be rather addicting at times, but to make that anyone's main priority in life is ridiculous...

any woman who is with me knows that she is not and will likely never be my main goal and that is the way it should be....but they would never get their feelings too hurt to stray because i only have only seriously involved myself with high quality women, besides one mishap in my younger days that is...low quality selfish women are only for fun....and it has nothing to do with feelings or shouldn't anyways...if that hurts her feelings too much then i would say her ego needs a bit of a check down, the world doesn't revolve around her...

but what's ironic about it she would grow tired of the guy who made her his entire world because subconsciously, she would sense it wasn't right and then she would seek the guy is dead set on his own path and has personal goals that are prioritized much more than her...and she would be with that guy or at least want to be as long as she felt something for him that is...

Everything i said probably just flew over your head, but it's the truth...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
Everything i said probably just flew over your head, but it's the truth...
Who are you to know that everything went over Olivia's head? Are you a god? :crackup:


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Dedication said:
Who are you to know that everything went over Olivia's head? Are you a god? :crackup:
That question had me cracking up as well.....from now on when i am arguing with someone and i feel like i have no good answers or comebacks, i will just say hey, are you a god?

I really think we should pair her up with Renaldo.....because he really does believe he is a god and she has some infatuation with the whole god complex thing. Not to mention they are both around the same age and like to spout tonnes of nonsense.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Moral of the story is just keep smashing the chicks until you're too old to be in the club. Then retire gracefully, raise your children and die happy(and these days probably divorced)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Out there
Olivia said:
There is one great friend who teaches game and alphaness. His name is Shark, from solvemygirlproblem. He told me, and even writes in his blog that once woman start to learn and understand game, they lose all atraction towards guys. And that is exactly what happened to me, what happened to my close friends. Soon, I will be spreading and once this starts to spread, you guys will be at loss.
^ It's like giving a chimp a high tech tool. The chimp wouldn't know what to do with it.

Olivia said:
Once the whole world knows about game, you guys will be at loss, where to get pvssy. Naturally these girls will at the most be attracted to the top 5% of the world. And the rest... the rest will have to fight in order to get to the top 5%, so fight hard! Hang-in-there.
Oh, no! Oblivia is going to tell on us. I'm scared. Wait. I'm not. I'm a god.


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
Fuglydude: Yes. It is about mutual commitment, attraction. And balance is the key to love. I hate the very idea that men want women to be their submissive.

zinc4:Yes I am very ignorant, have you seen kids? How ignorant, innocence they are? I am very alike.. there is great joy!

Dedication, zinc4, iamnobody: Out of the whole text wrote, and you pick the god part. Now you seem to be very much with the god-complex thing! What is wrong with god, leave him alone!

Mr Wright: Yes. Lets go with that.

Anyway, for any moderator out there.. Is there a rule that only things that have some sense with the topic are allowed to write? Or just anything.. even out topic. Nonsense.

Player said:
The funny thing is you think women don't know game.... even subconsciously, women aren't responsive to people who have zero game.

This thread and the tone of it really p!ssed me off!

I would post an essay but i aint wasting my time.
Women know game, uncoscious, they have trained it ever since they were kidos.
If this thread pissed you off, then certainly it hitted some spot in your unconscious, which you consider important, it feels threatened, even unconsciously. I hitted something that you might consider right, otherwise if you consider everything i say just simply nonsense, then you would just ignore, there would be no question about pissing off arising. And you say you would post an essay but you are not wasting your time. It is not about time. Since this already pissed you, it pissed your ideas. Then out of compassion, let me hear your ideas. Let me hear what is right in your opinion, what is wrong. Now if this pissed you, certainly there is something that this thread hitted, some wound in the unconscious, otherwise it would not have bothered you at all. So out of compassion, if you feel that you have that trait, let me hear your essay. Let me hear what you have to say. I am excited. The very fact that you commented here, telling me this, simply shows that there is something in you that you want to say. This is very unconscious. If I hit the right spot again, you will say it, and you will write the essay. If I don't hit it, you will ignore it. Even while I just said that sentence, you have already unconsciously rationalized that no matter what I say I am wrong, for men, women are never right - whatever they say. They will simply say nonsense. Whatever women say they will never be truer than mans word. So because of this ego, you will not accept that what I just said is true and so you will simply sit silent, repressing your words inside, pretending, proving that I am not able to hit your spot no matter what - because i am a inferior being, a woman, and so you will not say anything. I cannot make you angry! How can a low life inferior being like woman make you angry, the man standing in the top of the world? There is just no way.. so there is much pretending, repressing. This is the false ego.

But out of compassion, tell me what you have to say. There is no need to waste time. If you have compassion, you will enjoy it, you will not feel like wasting time, you will feel deep love for me, you will feel great joy arising that you can help a lost person. I feel a deep compassion towards everybody who condems me, they have already been possesed, they cannot ignore me anymore. So I enjoy everything I write here, I don't feel like wasting time at all. I have many other things to do! Now bring it. It is better to let it out than repress. If you repress, mark my word, you will feel very much hatred and anger towards me later.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
The funny thing is you think women don't know game.... even subconsciously, women aren't responsive to people who have zero game.

This thread and the tone of it really p!ssed me off!

I would post an essay but i aint wasting my time.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Mods, can we do something about this troll?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Olivia I'm just going to lay it out there.

Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia? Do you hallucinate? Get treated for Manic Bi Polarism or any other mental disorder?

You seem...........odd. As in you are the type of person who I can seen ending up in a mental institution mumbling non stop gibberish to yourself.

You are 19 right? Stop posting this psycho babble and get out and have some fun.


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
I enjoy everything I do, there is no diseases. Yes I am very odd. As of being silent, I have no problem whatsoever. I can be silent the whole day sitting and meditating. No problem. Today, was simply a day I felt like talking.

It has become a routine for me. People have asked whtever I have some diseases for my entire life. I have disagreed on everything. They have had many doctors come to see me, but I refused. One time they pushed me in a corned with one of the towns best doctor seeing me, and when he started to ask me those stupid theraupetic questions, I didn´t say a word. But one day, as I was feeling happy and joyish, I talked to this theraupetic, answering everything and he did not see any problems with me. And every year in school, at least 2 times I am checked by the doctor. I do all sort of so-called stupid things in school, but I do them consciously, and when I am tested whetever I have disease, I simply act, consciously, perfectly fine, no problems.

Anyway, back to topic!

Nobody said:
So your mental health needs to be checked on twice a year?
Sometimes even more, now back to topic.

floydb25 said:
Yes. Logic and attraction does not mix. That is why I said life is not only logic, it is also illogical. And yes, we never should resort back to afc. I have a woman friend who was in a very commitment relationship, very beautiful. She was very much in love, always spoke of him, always fantasied about him. I could see it very clearly from her eyes, gestures and the way she moves when she thinks about him, talks about him. Now for that girl, she was very much in love that her boyfriend was the top, greatst priority of her life.

And when she finally got the chance to ask her boyfriend the same question, after very much anxiety, overthinking troughout the weeks.. He said it blatantly and straightforward that he likes to spend time with his friend very much, but still likes to spend a little bit more with her, also he said that his goals and ambitions are way more important than herself. Now this woman took this very emotionally, and she could no way rationalized her logic to think like Dedication said above: that she is his submissive supporter and so on, that she will have so much joy in her life with this guy. She couldnt have in anyway rationalized like this.

All that she rationalized at that moment was that this guy who she loves with all her heart, does not love as much back, and this hurt so much, why does this guy make me hurt so much? Is this how this relationship gonna go from now on? After knowing this, will I be able to be with him anymore without thinking about it, without feelnig the pain everytime I am with him. And her rationalizes goes on and on: I, myself don´t find much anything attractive in ambition, I rather be passive, relax, not aggresive. I rather be just cuddling making love, relaxing with my lover. I dont see the point in my guy going aggressively pursuing his dream, I would rather him have him with me here, lying with me, why is he so much attracted to the ambition I find no attractive at all? Maybe if such a nonsense is so attractive for him, maybe I am even more nonsense for him? It have to be so. - This was her rationalization. And it ended with a breakup, making her think about her life and reconsider her priorities. She got over after a few months, and rationalized that a guy who does not love him back as much simply does not deserver her love as much. And with this much emotion connected into this rationalization, it will not be changed very easily. She was badly, deeply hurt. And it took few months of many consolations and logistics to change her logic so that she could accept that the relationship "was not working due to lack of mutual commitment, attraction."

Now, you can game women only who does not know game. Women who knows game will see it through very quickly that you are gaming her, hence it is very hard to game a gamer. They know the rules, and they will not find it attractive that easily. And this woman, without understand of her own conditioning, her own mind, without understand game cannot rationalize that she is attracted to man with ambitions. Thats why I also agree when you say that attraction does not go with logic.

For her, she will only see ambition as a hindarance, a stupid thing. Why is my lover so keen on ambition, rather than being with me? I would love for him to be with me rather than chasing the ambition. She cannot see it. Logic fails. But that is the reason she is attracted to him; because he is not always there for her. For her, his attention is everything... and then.. and then this stupid ambition is in the way of her getting the attention.. so there is a very deep resentment towards the guys ambition and yet because of the ambition, she is very much attracted to the guy. Let me repeat, Logic fails. Life is not simply logic, it is also illogical. As she is, she sees ambition as a "low quality", "a low trait" Now if he is more attracted towards ambitions.. more attracted towards ambitions than her.. she will take it very emotionally, she will be very hurt.. he loves something so low more than me... and I love him so much, he must see me even more lower.. and still it seems like he does not have that much respect for me.. This hurts.!
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May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Olivia said:
I enjoy everything I do, there is no diseases. Yes I am very odd. As of being silent, I have no problem whatsoever. I can be silent the whole day sitting and meditating. No problem. Today, was simply a day I felt like talking.

It has become a routine for me. People have asked whtever I have some diseases for my entire life. I have disagreed on everything. They have had many doctors come to see me, but I refused. One time they pushed me in a corned with one of the towns best doctor seeing me, and when he started to ask me those stupid theraupetic questions, I didn´t say a word. But one day, as I was feeling happy and joyish, I talked to this theraupetic, answering everything and he did not see any problems with me. And every year in school, at least 2 times I am checked by the doctor. I do all sort of so-called stupid things in school, but I do them consciously, and when I am tested whetever I have disease, I simply act, consciously, perfectly fine, no problems.

Anyway, back to topic!
So your mental health needs to be checked on twice a year?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Man, screw this browser. Had a nice reply ready, then didn't go through (again). Whatever.

Here's the basics: focus on their actions and interest level - not their claims, or your assumptions. The two do not match very often, and contradict each other constantly.

So, they want to be a priority when you AREN'T making them one. Mmmmmmhmmmm... That's how it works. People want what they can't have, and which presents a challenge. This is when they're pursuing you harder, pushing for commitment, focusing on you, etc... THAT'S what you need to be paying attention to. What they say means nothing. Actions and interest level is all that matters.

Because, as soon as you DO make them a priority - their interest will gradually (if not abruptly) decrease. The prize is caught; there's no more challenge, or something they can't have - from the person / source they can't get it from. Just like, if you made them a priority from the jump - they would never be in this position, because they wouldn't care. But they do, because it's not. Bingo.

Don't assume things like this, either:

That would simply hurt her so much, propaply will search for a guy who likes her as much as she likes him.

This is where a lot of guys get burned, and start acting too nice / available / interested - thinking the "nice guy" is what they really want - based on the woman's claims (via complaining), and the guy's assumptions (based on her complaining, and him trying to make logical sense by "adding things up"). But nope - it's the opposite. They want a "challenging" guy of value - even if said guy is a jerkface. But they don't think or make choices by that. Attraction and logic don't mix. Hence why they keep complaining about the jerkface, and avoid the nice guy - as they're complaining about one to the other... at the same time! Who's been there before? :kick:

Keep in mind that this works both ways, and varies on the girl, as well. Don't assume or believe ANYTHING. Being a challenge and remaining single-minded could very well work against you, as well. Some chicks DO want a genuine commitment and blah blah. But don't assume or believe they do. Always follow their actions and interest level - regardless of anything they say.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
RE: Updated stuff from OP:

Pretty much, yea. This goes back to women being fickle, never making up their minds, being satisfied, or knowing what they want. Don't assume that she wouldn't have lost interest and everything would have been just perfect even if he did reciprocate. Things are never smooth sailin' with bishes.

The main thing is, what did HE lose out of it? He kept his ground, focused on himself, didn't succumb to her "wants", or inevitably lose himself (and the control) to her, isn't walking around like a sad, heart-broken, desperate sissy chump... That's all it is. People come and go; it's no big deal; no one should be a higher priority over you and your "ambitions" (which is part of you). Just the way it is.

The position she's in is the position he would be in had he given in and focused on her. Or had he been from the jump. That's how it works. Those who pursue, obsess, try to pursuade, change, and love and blah blah end up heart-broken... while the "independent" party doesn't give a ****. But she still pursued him for all that time, no? Of course, a one-sided relationship won't last forever, but he still attracted her, got her to push for a commitment from HIM, and get caught up in the challenge of being the priority - while he didn't invest (or lose) much. She went for the guy who WASN'T obsessed or focused on her - even though she CLAIMED to be bothered by it. As well, he's doing just fine. That's the key.

For most guys around here - it's the other way around. And they end up in the same position she's in - for the exact same reasons. Not good.

Don't assume she was genuinely in love with him, either. I mean, he could she be? She was more in love with the chase and idea of catching the perceived prize. Which is far more prominent in the attraction game. As well as lust and infatuation... But all of this is short-lived - even though the emotions are on high during the "chase". Bishes think everything is "love". :trouble:
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