Whats she getting at?


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
My Ex texted me a few days... catch this:

Her: Hey lol =) what are you doing?

I didn't reply back, because she was my ex

About 1 1/2 hours later

Her: See, I text you and don't answer.
Me: Whats up?
Her: So what are you up to?
Me: About to go to sleep, I am busy tomorrow. Catch ya later.

The next day at work I see her and heres the convo

Her: Sorry I disturbed you last night
Me: You didn't.
Her: Oh, well you seemed mad.
Me: I wasn't mad.
Her: Oh, I didn't even mean to text you, I have two people in my phone book with the same name and I got confused... I didn't realize it was you until I heard the different ring tone.
Me: Oh, I was just wondering why the hell you texted me in the first place.
Her: What, am I not supposed to text you?
Me: Why would you want to?
Her: To talk.

--end of convo--

I leave, and tell my friend I am pissed at her, but don't know why, she over hears (I THINK)

We don't talk the rest of the night, even though we work together.

The next day, I go in to speak to someone, but they called in sick and she was the replacement, and I walk up to the cash register and we talk:

Her: Can I help you
Me: I don't know (smiles)

**Takes order**

Two guys come up, one I'll call John. I hand her my credit card to pay:

John: He thought you were going pay for that ;)
Her: *scoffs* why would I pay for him?
Me: Why wouldn't you?
Her: Why would I since I am not allowed to text you?
Me: I never said that
Her: Oh right, you said why would I want to
Me: Right, and you have no reason to. Waste of time...
Her: A message from me is always worth your time.

I just smile get my stuff and leave while the two guys are like "what the heck?"

The next day John comes up and tells me that after I left she was pissed off, and she told every one "He wants to date me, but I don't want to date him, and it is making me really mad...! Please don't tell him I said that!!"

She is stupid as hell, because they made it a point to tell me... but whatever...

Ok, so now what? I am pissed... I haven't tried to get back with her since she broke up with me. Looks to me like she wanted to speak to me and is pissed because I haven't had anything to do with her...

I wish I could never see her again, however, thats not an option, I work with her tonight. Now what though? I've got about two hours to go...

So, if she doesn't want to be with me... why did she argue with me over me not wanting her to text me when... she didn't mean to text me in the first place-

UNLESS: She meant to text me, lied about meaning to text the other guy because I had no interest, and is now saying that to cover up her interest in front of all the guys at work... maybe... maybe not? IDK.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds to me like ye both like each other. Why else would both of you get so emotional??


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, I do like her. However, I can't be with her, and I can't trust her since she broke up with me... I am trying SO HARD to just leave her alone, and GET OVER HER.

When we work together, we don't look at each other, we don't talk, when one of us is having good time, the other isn't. If I start talking and joking with someone, she gets quiet, if she does that, I get quiet. We avoid each other like the plague... :-\ It's really sad since neither of us wanted this to happen, but... thats how it is.