Whats my attraction level?


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
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Well I like making gernal observations about things around me and I realize that good looking women have to by nature PREFER good looking men, BUT thats not the case all the time as with everything. Yet in most cases the better she looks, the better you have to look for her to be attracted to you physically.

I dont care who you are, Looks do matter, but where, they only matter for the physical attractiveness sector of what makes a man. If your good looking and your presonality sucks, then your looks dont really help at all. If you dont look good and you pesonality is great, you have a good chance that she might like you, depends on her need for physical qualites really. If a woman who looks good and doesnt find you attractive in the begining but you show her that you have a good personality and you can be the man she watns, Im sure she MIGHT look past it.

Its just a genral law, I mean I dont care what anybody says, I know that looking good can only help you not harm you.

So how do I find out the how much women find ME attractive?

If I ride the train in the morning, or walk the streets, is the amount and length of eye contact I receive a indicator?

I also noticed that if women find you attractive they try and hide it, and they dont want to get caught looking and checking your goods, has that been your guys expereince where you didnt think she was looking at you, because you never made eye contact but when you appraoched her she opened up nicely?


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
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Fine, looks matter - just look your best and that part is taken care of since you can't do more. However looks don't matter shyt compared to how you portray yourself - that comes from within. Also it's no math equation where the women goes "hmm ok, so he is like a 4 in looks but the way he makes me feel is an 8, that averages a 6, should I hook up with this guy cause this other guy was a 7"? Make her wet and you'll fvck her - period. Looks are no biggy... stop worrying


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score

Then why wont the hot blondes show me any attetnion when the good looking guy they fawn over?

Oh no its just his alphaness right?


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
theapprentice said:
Then why wont the hot blondes show me any attetnion when the good looking guy they fawn over?

Oh no its just his alphaness right?
Short answer: yes!

The good lookers are confident because they are used to success with women - but it's not their looks that gets them laid in the end, it's them being confident and ****y and haveing their **** together. Sure their good looks might get them that first audition with the girls, but hey you can do that easily: Smile and say "Hi".

The reasons the blondes doesn't show you any attention is because you're an AFC who want "indications" on your looks from women. :down:


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
My (good looking) buddy picked up this HOT-a$$ college cheer leader chic once and she was **** testing him big time.... He piped up and VERY SERIOUSLY said "This is where I tune you out!"... and proceded to give her NO attention at all.

She did everything short of taking off her clothes trying to get him to bang her. Which he didn't do.. (I guess he was serious about what he said...lol)
I'm sure that chic still remembers him to this day!
The next day he hooked up with 2 other hotties..... He really doesn't have a lot of game, but he's good looking enough to get them in the door.....

My other buddy (who's NOT a good looking guy) Is so Alpha he can pull chics when he's on his way to bathroom at a gas station.......


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
Yep, that only goes to show that women want to bang really confident guys not suckers


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Netherlands/Moldova (no native english speaker)
Looks matter, and no they are not the main factor that determines how much eye contact you get. When making eye contact, looks are roughly just 1/3 of the game, the WAY you make contact determines the most. Self confidence is the key here, the more you BELIEVE you are HOT the more you ARE to a woman.

Taking the initiative is a big trigger for a chick since this shows you have SELF CONFIDENCE and are not afraid to look at her or approach her. She might have noticed you before - or might have not. I have not found it to be of much importance in terms of attraction.

Women don't want to be perceived as SLUTS, so even highy interested ones won't always make it obvious. The best way to find out if you're attractive is to simply GO FOR IT.

If you depend on the amount of (obvious) interest a woman will show BEFORE you approach her all you will end up is dominant b*tches and desperate ones. A good girl will know her place and waits for you to make the first move ;-)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
A 3.5? That's pretty ugly lol, anyway the only way I see your scenario working out in "your stance" is maybe when this girl is young and impressionable. If this guy has a **** ton of social status than he may be able to pull it off. If he's approaching a woman a little older (Maybe late 20's) than unless this freak o nature is pullin up in a Gallardo and taking her back to his mansion than I don't think it's plausible.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
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Honestly guys, you obsess over looks way too much. I have never met a guy I thought was SO ugly that he couldn't get puzzy. It never hurts to get a better haircut, work out, get new threads, etc.

The problem is guy's attitudes. That's what makes you repel girls. If you aren't confident in what you have to offer, why should the girl be? You know yourself better than she does, and you act like a loser.

Now with that being said not every guy is gonna pull 10's out his as*. But I would rather find women whose company and sex I enjoy than just try to bang 10s all the time.

Most people are way too hard on themselves (and yes I am included in that category). Go out and play the game bros.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
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Here is my take on the whole thing - I can easily see where folks think looks matter, because in my opinion they do. To what degree and what effect it has is another story.

Consider that the good-looking guy has probably had girls coming up to him or at least he has had the opportunity to be around a lot of girls because of his looks. Now that exposure all by itself can reap rewards for any guy with a reasonable noodle in his head. He's surely going to be able to figure out how the mating game works to some degree simply by this exposure, and guess what? His CONFIDENCE level will go up, and luckily for him, he's on the winning side of a vicious circle of improvement without even knowing it.

Take on the other hand the not-so-good-looking dude - he has not had the exposure nor the easy opportunities to hone his skills, BUT (and it's a big but) it's completely within his power to change all of that. He's just going to have to work a bit harder at it, but IMHO he will be better at the whole thing in the long run because he's had to put conscious effort into his improvement, whereas the guy with the looks has not. Enter SoSuave, and the learning curve just got easier to overcome.

Figure into the mix that girls are more emotionally driven, and I have no problem believing an average looking dude can hook up with a real hottie. Case in point: a seriously hot lady friend of mine just married a guy who is a bit overweight, but must really have his stuff together in other areas.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
i can comment on this.

Through middle school something always attracted people to me, but I was **** ugly. Wore clothes that were too big, had glasses, a jerry curl and buck teeth (just had gotten braces). I might have had alot of friends, but with the girls not so much (even then though, I had girls like me and even ask me out, which kinda is more obvious now seeing as how I was a pretty DJ seventh grader, in 8th grade something happened that ****ed it all up).

Well I worked to change all that, got a nice hair cut, got contacts, got straighter teeth, have better hygeine and clothing style, and feel better.

LOOKS MATTER. Do you know why? Because someone who not only looks GOOD but carries themselves WELL communicates, "I care about and take care of myself". There is almost no GUY out there that can't change from ugly to at LEAST a 7 (minimum a 6.5). WORK THE **** OUT. BRUSH YOUR YELLOW ASS TEETH. TAKE OFF THE GLASSES IF THEY LOOK NERDY. GET A BETTER FASHION STYLE.

Everyone needs to stop bull****ting around saying, "oh, looks don't matter much, work on techniques that's better". Bull****, when you improve yourself you will feel better and others will knwo that you VALUE yourself. THATS the point of looking good, showing that you VALUE yourself, not that you are some pretty boy. Until you can look into the mirror and LOVE yourself, then you aren't where you need to be. I can now go into the mirror see my abs that I worked for, see my pretty defined cuts, my clear face and gray eyes (that's just ****ing sexy) and GREAT teeth and be happy and PROUD, because I worked for it.

Looks aren't the only contributing factor. If you are a man it should be the same way for women, but they are a huge part aren't they? You guys make this game to difficult, women AREN'T that much different from men, they want a guy that's gonna protect and care for them and someone that they aren't going to be ashamed of in public, if you are ugly as **** in obvious areas then you don't DESERVE to be out with women, because its just laziness. Its different for things you don't have control over, but really f.ucking think about it, how many things on your body can you NOT modify through hard work to your liking? Not much, so stop making excuses and go out there and LOOK GOOD.
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Krang! said:
Short answer: yes!

The good lookers are confident because they are used to success with women - but it's not their looks that gets them laid in the end, it's them being confident and ****y and haveing their **** together. Sure their good looks might get them that first audition with the girls, but hey you can do that easily: Smile and say "Hi".

The reasons the blondes doesn't show you any attention is because you're an AFC who want "indications" on your looks from women. :down:
lol... I have two friends that I go to the bar with. Both of them get looks all the time from HBs, but niether of them think much of themselves when it comes to women. They have no idea what to do. I keep telling them they have it easy and I have to work harder. Sooner or later they'll figure it out. So take Krang!'s advice. Go over say hi... maybe you'll make an a$$ out of yourself, maybe you won't. Either way you'll be closer than you were seconds before it happenned.

Now if you're interested in seeing who is looking at you, take a friend along. or try being more observant. Worked for me.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score

Its wierd but looks help you which ever way. A ugly guy has to convince himself that he is the sh*t and other girls will shrug him off and he will have to push through it, but his affirmations and beliefs will not be based or grounded in anything secure, but just statements to himself that he unconsciencsly knows are false. "I am the best" mind say but cant hear it : yeah right, your a loser, your fat, afriad to talk to girls etc.

When a guy looks in the mirror and see's that he really does look good it gives him ammo, solid concrete reasons to back up his affiramtions.

If a girl turns him down, he most of the time will say its the girls fault "Thsi bi*tch is crazy she turned such a hot guy like me down"

But if a ugly guy gets turned down he can say "Man that bit*ch is crazy, I am way cooler or smart, or ****y than she ever deserves" - this is a guy who doesnt have any girls currently and is caught in the vicious cycle of improvement.

change your looks which changes your attitude about yourself and your worth which raises your confidence and worth level and you treat Hb 9.5's like sh*t. You win the game.

Looking good is the easy way, I mean unless your avg and you have other talents or you have a great personality which HAS been confirmed by others, you subconsciensly take a self esteem hit.

Using yourself as evidence to prove to yourself how good you are is not a good source or credible to your subconscience. Other people matter more to some extent believe it or not.

If other people kept calling you things like Sh*t face or w/e after a while if nobody told you that you where good. Your opinions about yourself would change.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score

Dues Ex Painfonte, this is a discussion not a pissing contest. Statements like yours dont help and dont make sense.

Whether or not you need looks for girls to like you was the question but the deeper queston involved how come good looking guys have confidence.

I answered the second question in my post above, that good looking people have something to fall back on, their looks, they can always dismiss a rejection as the fault of the dumb bi*tch that didnt see how good he looked and what se missed out on.

If you dont look good deus Ex Pianonfte, you must have some other quality that gives you confidence to approach women. Surely you cant just believe your a kick ass guy because you tell yourself that.

If you look like a nerd, you will feel like one, if you look hot, you will feel accordingly.

Whether girls like your looks or not doesnt matter, its how they make you feel.

Please no more dumb posts.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
theapprentice said:
Dues Ex Painfonte, this is a discussion not a pissing contest. Statements like yours dont help and dont make sense.

Whether or not you need looks for girls to like you was the question but the deeper queston involved how come good looking guys have confidence.

I answered the second question in my post above, that good looking people have something to fall back on, their looks, they can always dismiss a rejection as the fault of the dumb bi*tch that didnt see how good he looked and what se missed out on.

If you dont look good deus Ex Pianonfte, you must have some other quality that gives you confidence to approach women. Surely you cant just believe your a kick ass guy because you tell yourself that.

If you look like a nerd, you will feel like one, if you look hot, you will feel accordingly.

Whether girls like your looks or not doesnt matter, its how they make you feel.

Please no more dumb posts.
Good post, however I don't even call it the fault of the dumb b*tch. Maybe she doesn't like black guys. Maybe she's taken. Maybe my game wasn't that tight.

However, I never have to think, "I am the man, its not my looks that are holding me back" (because when you have to think, "Is it my looks?" then it makes you less confident), because I know that I work to look GOOD. That's the point, when you look good, rejections aren't that bad because you realize that there are things out of your control and its not "YOU" thats the problem, it may have been an action or her, but fundamentally you weren't blown off because you looked bad.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
theapprentice said:
If you look like a nerd, you will feel like one, if you look hot, you will feel accordingly.
Sorry bro, but this ain't so. If that's the case, women who are already thin wouldn't become anorexic or bulemic. It is easy to see someone and think they are good looking, but people often have a skewed perception of themselves.

It has to do with self image. Just because you are good looking to other people doesn't mean you acutally think you are. Everybody has insecurities and feelings of inadequacy deep down. It's how we confront and challenge how we feel about ourselves that determines success or failure.

There is no magic bullet to become a real man. You must face your issues and conquer your fears.

Thomas Edison failed thousands of times at trying to create the light bulb. I am glad he didn't have most of you guys' attitudes, or else we'd be in the dark.

If your desire is to bed a 10 then don't let anything become an excuse for you to fail. And most threads here lately are about excuses.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
FaithHealer said:
Sorry bro, but this ain't so. If that's the case, women who are already thin wouldn't become anorexic or bulemic. It is easy to see someone and think they are good looking, but people often have a skewed perception of themselves.

It has to do with self image. Just because you are good looking to other people doesn't mean you acutally think you are. Everybody has insecurities and feelings of inadequacy deep down. It's how we confront and challenge how we feel about ourselves that determines success or failure.

There is no magic bullet to become a real man. You must face your issues and conquer your fears.

Thomas Edison failed thousands of times at trying to create the light bulb. I am glad he didn't have most of you guys' attitudes, or else we'd be in the dark.

If your desire is to bed a 10 then don't let anything become an excuse for you to fail. And most threads here lately are about excuses.

Good looks won't necessarily give you confidence. It'll give you a shallow form of bravado with women but that's about it. I'm very good looking and get compliments all the time does that translate into confidence? Nope, I'm pretty insecure actually. I'm working on building my confidence and not relying on my looks to give me it.