Whats going on?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
Reaction score
Hey lads,

I was with a girl who i fancied for a long time
(2 years!) last thursday, In the last month or 2 i upped the flirting etc last week i bascially said 2 her, u know we should have been with eachother, 2 which she agreed but said she was confused. She told me she cares about me but shes confused because i sprung that comment 2 her. So i went 2 the house 2 have a chat wit her, and when i was leaving i said fu<k it and kissed her for a few mins, to which she didnt refuse. It was her birthdat Yesterday and i asked her did she wanna call down and watch a movie last nite with my house mates who she knows. We have exams at the moment and she declined because shes was takin notes down last nite,so i said thats fine, ill talk 2u later.

Today i havent heard anything from her, i havent called her either. Will i give her space because shes confused with the whole thing,if shes interested she'll let me know,or is this natural. Im friends with her bro, but his very over protective of her, but i dont care not anymore, i like her,she knows that. And im sure she likes me 2.


Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
So far, so good. Now it's time for a little sexual tension. Do NOT call her, do NOT make any further contact with her until she does so with you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Just an update on this situation. I was chatting 2 her on MSN last tues, were she basically said "I dont want a relationship at the moment". I agreed with her because i havent much time either at the moment,as im in my final year of college,and shes going on work experience for 9 months. i told her i wanted 2 meet up with her after the exams,2 which she agreed. I didnt hear from her for a few days, but we had a party last night and i invited her thurs but no reply and she didnt show up. She sent me a txt b4 my exam yesterday wishing me well and apologised for ignoring me "i was all over the place with study" and wondered how i was keeping. I sent her a quick message saying, i did grand and im looking forward 2 going out and celebrating with the lads. Now i havent heard from her back and 2b honest its beginning 2 pi$$ me off when i know it shouldnt. Ive known her for 2 years and this not talking stuff is ridiculous. Lol 2 make matters worse i looked at my phone this morning and it seems i tried ringing her at 2am. O dear
