Whats going on... Confusing...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I'll make this short but would like to see some responses from anyone who feels or felt the same way at some point. Anyway, About, I'd say,... 3 or 4 months ago, I was kind of fat (215lbs 6' tall) and i wasnt keepin myself "Fresh" as much. not shaving as much or wearing raggidy clothes, Yet the girls around my area spoke to me or even flirted with me with smiles. A food store close by has a bunch of girls who i come across alot since i buy food there by my job, Im a regular. They ALWAYS talked to me, joked, flirted or casual convo that they would initiate. Sometimes two of the girls would ask about my "Situation". alot of flirting going on. I transformed myself.. Now (185lbs) and ripped nice body, Nice clothes, feeling alot better about myself and here is where the curve ball comes in.... now not ONE girl i come across talks to me around here. the store with the girls, They all treat me as if they never knew me. Acting weird, not speaking to me or anything. I try to say Hi and they just look at me with this "blank". Im starting to feel like i did something wrong? Im doing something wrong?... I'm looking like the DJ of my old self back in the day (Teens). Yet once i fix myself up... its like the silence treatment. Any insight?? Confused here.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Lol bro it's simple... you went from being the fat guy who was in their league...
To the hot stud that is out of their league, they are uncomfortable with this change but you can bet they like you ten folds now, simply means you got to up your standards hehe


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Did you fvck any of those girls who flirted with you when you were a fat guy? because if the answer is no then it could be because the girls felt as if you weren't a threat and it was all fun and games for them. I often see girls flirt with fat and gay guys and losers who will never get into their pants because the girls aren't truly interested in them.

Maybe because you were fat, you accepted the fact that you were fat and it didn't bother you so much but now that you are ripped you are paying more attention to your body as a tool for seduction and think about it too much to a point where it hinders your game.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Help me out here, DJDamage. Why would girls flirt with guys they don't want? The seemingly obvious answer is that the girls just want attention. Ok, but don't they want attention that has value? Who cares if the loser guys give them attention - they're "losers" and hence, their attention is meaningless. It's like us guys getting attention from some 350 pound woman with stringy hair. Her attention wouldn't mean sh!t to us, so how can loser attention mean anything to those girls. There's no way they could be happy that the losers want them. They only want attention (validation) from "hot guys"...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
DJDamage said:
Did you fvck any of those girls who flirted with you when you were a fat guy? because if the answer is no then it could be because the girls felt as if you weren't a threat and it was all fun and games for them. I often see girls flirt with fat and gay guys and losers who will never get into their pants because the girls aren't truly interested in them.

Maybe because you were fat, you accepted the fact that you were fat and it didn't bother you so much but now that you are ripped you are paying more attention to your body as a tool for seduction and think about it too much to a point where it hinders your game.
Nah i didnt Fvck any of them. Most of them are 7's at best but there are a few who are up to the 8 - 9 scale. Couple would ask "So,.. still with your G/F" or " you involved". I didnt really think anything of it but when i walked in there everytime.. i would get a big smile and "HEY, how are you?". Now.. i dont get anything, As a matter a fact i went in there today and the girls were reluctant to serve me.

Also, I wasnt ugly or anything, I was just not in shape and didnt really care for my looks as much. Now im back to my old DJ self but the girls are no where to be found.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe they're into overweight sloppy people? Or maybe they dont even recognize you anymore?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I transformed myself.. Now (185lbs) and ripped nice body, Nice clothes, feeling alot better about myself and here is where the curve ball comes in.... now not ONE girl i come across talks to me around here. the store with the girls, They all treat me as if they never knew me. Acting weird, not speaking to me or anything. I try to say Hi and they just look at me with this "blank". Im starting to feel like i did something wrong? Im doing something wrong?... I'm looking like the DJ of my old self back in the day (Teens). Yet once i fix myself up... its like the silence treatment. Any insight?? Confused here.
This is the really good-looking hot guy paradox. I get this day and day out. Girls will purposely not give me attention, yet i hear through the grapevine how dam hot i am. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, just telling it how it is. If i had a dime for evey 'Deer in the headlight' look i've gotten, i'd be rich. Same goes for 'bedroom eyes' at the club and the gym. You talk to these same girls and you'd think they hated you, they just end up clamming up so much is all.

There are and could be a number of reasons for this:

- They do not want to boost your ego. They already figure alot of other girls are doing it. They want to be different.

- They want you to seek them out. Afterall, if a hot guy is coming on to them, that re-enforces (or boosts) her ego.

- Disdain, know you'd never like them so by not giving you attention, she cannot get attracted (or become unattracted)

--- This one i get from some married girls. At the club though, these same girls are all over me after getting tipsy

It goes on and on, lots of guys think the really good-looking guys have the easiest. Simply not true. They get a lot of 'behind the scenes' admiration but not much comes of it from outside their circles.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
GtarPlayr73 said:
Help me out here, DJDamage. Why would girls flirt with guys they don't want? The seemingly obvious answer is that the girls just want attention. Ok, but don't they want attention that has value? Who cares if the loser guys give them attention - they're "losers" and hence, their attention is meaningless. It's like us guys getting attention from some 350 pound woman with stringy hair. Her attention wouldn't mean sh!t to us, so how can loser attention mean anything to those girls. There's no way they could be happy that the losers want them. They only want attention (validation) from "hot guys"...
Its different for women.

Women crave attention whether its for attraction, validation or just because they are bored but if there are men willing to give them attention without asking for sexual favours, then its just all the better.

I remember reading some where how today women tend to emmulate celebrities because they crave to be the centre of attention wherever they go (Hollywood brainwashing at its best). Hance those "losers" (who will never even get a sniff of a pretty girl's fart) are like "fans" and as a celebrity she has to show a little bit of love to her "fans" by just showing up and talk a little bit of fluff and in return those "fans" will worship her and love her for a very long time without her even being present there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
I didnt really think anything of it but when i walked in there everytime.. i would get a big smile and "HEY, how are you?". Now.. i dont get anything, As a matter a fact i went in there today and the girls were reluctant to serve me.

Now im back to my old DJ self but the girls are no where to be found.
You got a new body but still kept the old fat mind. The attention you were getting from girls was not a sexual one but the kind of attention they give to their girlfriends. Now you are different, you are better physically and you got to change your frame of mind that those chicks instead of putting you in the catagory of "NEVER EVER GOING TO BE FVCKED BY HIM" to a new catagory " I DON"T KNOW ABOUT THIS GUY". Therefore it is you that needs to grab his balls and control the frame and be friendly with those girls and not wait for them to approach a guy that has potential's but until he doesn't open his mouth then he won't get anywhere.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Cuz now you're out of their "league".

Women still believe in this, as they (wisley..IMO)feel that a guy that's really attracted to her will go after her and a guy that's above her in looks will cheat on her..

Are they wrong?lol..no.It's annoying but they have a point.

Being freindly and all flirty with women you're not really gonna date.. to is pointless.You'll either hurt her feelings or she'll waste your time and reject you.

Example;You go into a coffeshop by work,every morning and every night.You know all the chics there and flirt with all of them.By one month,bruh..they're gonna figure your taken,gay or uninterested and will actually try to run you off.

Don't beleive their games,they just wanna keep us confused.You like a chic ask her out,you don't like a chic for real,then don't waste your time.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
I've always said I'd rather go out looking like a sex feind than looking like a symp.

They say they want the romance but they give the romance the run-around.

But they sleep with the guy who gets her wet,the guy that only calls her for sex,the guy they only see upright and w/clothes on maybe 2 or 3 times a month.They guy that only takes them out for special occasions or when he's bored out his mind..

Plain and simple..they like being treated like sextoys..they just state the opposite to not seem like *****s.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Tha Realnezz said:
Cuz now you're out of their "league".

Women still believe in this, as they (wisley..IMO)feel that a guy that's really attracted to her will go after her and a guy that's above her in looks will cheat on her..

Are they wrong?lol..no.It's annoying but they have a point.

Being freindly and all flirty with women you're not really gonna date.. to is pointless.You'll either hurt her feelings or she'll waste your time and reject you.

Example;You go into a coffeshop by work,every morning and every night.You know all the chics there and flirt with all of them.By one month,bruh..they're gonna figure your taken,gay or uninterested and will actually try to run you off.

Don't beleive their games,they just wanna keep us confused.You like a chic ask her out,you don't like a chic for real,then don't waste your time.
Thanks for the advice. Girls always love to play games, or atleast the agmes they can get away with.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
Did you fvck any of those girls who flirted with you when you were a fat guy? because if the answer is no then it could be because the girls felt as if you weren't a threat and it was all fun and games for them. I often see girls flirt with fat and gay guys and losers who will never get into their pants because the girls aren't truly interested in them.

Maybe because you were fat, you accepted the fact that you were fat and it didn't bother you so much but now that you are ripped you are paying more attention to your body as a tool for seduction and think about it too much to a point where it hinders your game.

Last edited:


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
Did you fvck any of those girls who flirted with you when you were a fat guy? because if the answer is no then it could be because the girls felt as if you weren't a threat and it was all fun and games for them. I often see girls flirt with fat and gay guys and losers who will never get into their pants because the girls aren't truly interested in them.

Maybe because you were fat, you accepted the fact that you were fat and it didn't bother you so much but now that you are ripped you are paying more attention to your body as a tool for seduction and think about it too much to a point where it hinders your game.

^^^^ LOL spoken like a true idiot, so nexttime if a girl comes and flirts or smiles at you just consider yourself to be fat, gay or a loser, just hope no girl ever gives you a time of a day and ignores and avoids you like s*** that would mean you are a really hot guy yeah f****** hell, just yell out loud " i am not gay" nexttime a girl gives you a smile or even looks at you moron..... :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
donjoe said:
^^^^ LOL spoken like a true idiot, so nexttime if a girl comes and flirts or smiles at you just consider yourself to be fat, gay or a loser, just hope no girl ever gives you a time of a day and ignores and avoids you like s*** that would mean you are a really hot guy yeah f****** hell, just yell out loud " i am not gay" nexttime a girl gives you a smile or even looks at you moron..... :crackup:
I was thinking kind of the same thing but everyone has their thoughts. I dont think girls talked to me because i was kind fat or anything.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
donjoe said:
^^^^ LOL spoken like a true idiot, so nexttime if a girl comes and flirts or smiles at you just consider yourself to be fat, gay or a loser, just hope no girl ever gives you a time of a day and ignores and avoids you like s*** that would mean you are a really hot guy yeah f****** hell, just yell out loud " i am not gay" nexttime a girl gives you a smile or even looks at you moron..... :crackup:

Wow you really took everything I said out of context without seeing the big picture so you can make a mockery of my entire post and feel good about yourself. Since you are a newbie let me explain the "BIG PICTURE" to you because you either didn't understand it or you are just trolling here and I am wasting my breath on you.

Women flirt or smile with many people through out their day. Sometimes it means something and sometimes it does not. Just because a girl smiles at you and flirts with you DOES NOT ALWAYS MEANS that SHE IS SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO YOu. The girl can also be doing it for validation or just because she is bored. She can also be in fact attracted to you, but if you don't do anything about it and take charge of the situation, you will never know and nothing will happen. Since the OP was overweight and didn't have confidence back then we are left to assume that girls who flirted with him did it just for the fun of it(because that is what chicks do) and did not do so because they felt sexual towards him (if he apporached and done something about it then we would know the answer pretty quickly but since he didn't we are only using an educated guess). There is also a level of interest you should pay attention in women. One thing I learned is: The more a woman is interested in a man, the less confusing her signals become to a point where she almost begs you to ask her out and follows you around like a lost puppy.

That is why the mantra that should be used in this situation: WHEN IN DOUBT ALWAYS YIELD FOR ACTION. In2theGame forget about the signals those b1tches are sending you and just act on instincts and ask one of them out. Improve your comunnication skills and let them discover the new you. Don't wait for them to scoff or talk to you but you should do so if you are interested in them.