What's a good response?


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Hey, I think I'll already know what I'm gonna say but thought I'd just ask for opinions..

Basically met a girl in a club(can't really remember it but got her number anyway). So a couple weeks later met her for a coffee and it went OK.(Not amazing, but not terrible. It's hard to say). I waited a week before asking her to meet up again and she said she was busy until the next week. So i waited two weeks for good measure then text her. I got told she was "seeing someone it was kinda getting serious" and it wouldn't really be fair to meet up.

Now for me there's a very good chance (80-90%) that is just basically low IL and she's not interested. Though I have a couple of reasons that she may be telling the truth. Either way what's a good response so that I can appear to be not too bothered yet not coming off as an assh*le as to keep things open with her in the future.

I guess my reasoning for her telling the truth is that when she said she was busy, not only did she exactly say what she was doing she had also mentioned everything in our date casually through conversation. And even though the date wasn't exactly fireworks, afterwords she asked me to text her, and sent me a "thanks for the date" text a few hours afterwards.(I never text her in that time. Maybe she is just really nice! Haha)

I just figure if I handle the rejection somewhat gracefully now it may reap rewards in the future. That goes for just about every girl i try it with haha.

What do you guys think?

Note: It's definitely more of whats a good text response to rejection generally so that I can keep things open. I have just given a case example of sorts!


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
In this case, it seems that low IL is the issue. You had seen each other just once in the (minimum) 5 weeks since you met, and you didn't feel it went all that well. She never contacted you, and then says she's in a serious relationship after 2 weeks? Nothing is serious after 2 weeks; at least not if she had interest.

You can simply not respond. And if some time has passed since she said that, it may be best to not respond at all. Otherwise it might look like it really bothered you and it took you this long to respond because you kept thinking about it.

But my advice is to just not waste your time. Go focus on other people and things that are important to you instead of wasting your time and energy hoping to keep this random chick around (who doesn't want to be).


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
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Tampa, FL
i second that, she's not interested, move on to the next, there's no response you can make to her that will keep it "open" to you. even if you come up with the greatest response text message in the world, she wont respond anyway. there's no point in sending her anything. forget about her, she's already forgotten about you.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
Basically I'd say something along the lines of "ooh intrigue:p nah seriously though that does make sense, is fair enough!"

AllAboutTheChase said:
I just figure if I handle the rejection somewhat gracefully now it may reap rewards in the future. That goes for just about every girl i try it with haha.

What do you guys think?

Note: It's definitely more of whats a good text response to rejection generally so that I can keep things open. I have just given a case example of sorts!
yeah basically this is my take on things - its good to be able to take rejection well, without storming off in a huff, deleting your phone numbers, blocking the world on facebook, pouring your liquor down the sink, and writing on a messageboard how you'll never trust a woman again

not so much for this particular girl, but just in general, to be the kind of person that can roll with things and not snap in the wind just because something didnt go your way. it stands you in good stead for all things


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Thanks for the response, and I agree with all your points. I shall not be texting back, no sense wasting any more effort/time than I already have.