what you do when they say......


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Yea I met a girl a while back on a train to school, she was from Virginia as am I and we both go to school in WV, well I started talking to here and I did not think anything of it but the train was delayed by like five hours so A train ride that took five hours ended up taking about nine, so I started to really get to know this girl and she really seemed to be chill, it kept getting better and better and we just clicked, well she got off at her school and she broke down and asked me for my number.

So iv been talking to here a lot lately and Iv learned a lot about her and finally last weekend I took a trip to visit her, well it did not turn out the way I planned and I ended up only getting to see her for about an hour, well she came out of her dorm and I was speechless, she was beautiful and ten times hotter then I remember, well she noticed I was not talking but I sed I just though we were going to hang out later which never happened.

So today the sh*** hit the fan when we were talking and I asked her when she was going to see me and she told me that her boyfriend was picking her up and she was taking the train back......oka hold up she just sed her boy friend? when did this happen? she told me she thought she told me and that its not like I care right? so I sed I don't care Iv been trying to chill with you all semester and even came up, she was speechless and told that if she had known we would be going out instead of her new boyfriend. So....what do I do now, IM really into this girl and I have not messed it up completely yet, what is my next step?

DJ in training -Josh White


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
next her man. There's nothing ya can do to change her mind taking into account that she already got a boyfriend. Now if you just wanna sleep with her, that's a whole diff story:)


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
I think this comes across as the classic "woman as temptress" fallacy that our culture places so much emphasis on.

Just becuase she is interested in you does not mean she wants anything more than friendship. Not all women that talk to you and ask for your number want to sleep with you or go out with you.

You may feel like she was leading you on. Well this is just society telling you that she did. Her intentions may not have been what you assumed, and you are angry that they aren't. To her, her actions may have seemed friendly, but to you, something more.

They way you find out is to flat-out ask her yourself. "What were your intentions when you asked for my number?" If she replies friendship, is that so bad to have a female friend that you were once interested in? If she replies that she liked you/wanted a hook-up, it proves that she is a cheater, and you wouldnt want to be with that kind of girl in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by justjosh47
... so I sed I don't care Iv been trying to chill with you all semester and even came up, she was speechless and told that if she had known we would be going out instead of her new boyfriend...
sounds like you waited too long.... lesson learned, if you want it, go for it... you snooze, you lose.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
Just a shot in the dark here but oh well:

She could have percieved your timidity as a challenge and is using the boyfriend bluff to bait you into making a move and tipping your hand.