What' ya think


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
I know that I posted this earlier today, I was just keen to see what you all think of my past week's date:
First of all I wanted to say this site rocks!!! I can honestly say this site has changed my life for the better! I wanted to ask this forum for some advice on a woman issue (what else). I met this female friend of mine last week, which I have known for about 3 years, but I have only seen her less than 5 times in those 3 years and had loose e-mail contact with her over that time. I have always quite liked her, but unfortunately she always had a boyfriend, but not now. She told me she split up with her former boyfriend and that hey might get together again. I decided to try some of the tips from this web-site and other vendors on her and see what happened. The result was quite astonishing and interesting for other fellow DJs. This stuff really works well, in a period of three hours I could see her attitude change vis-à-vis me. It seems that the less I cared about the situation and her overall the better effect it had on her. As the evening progressed I got more and more of some definite body signals, like her touching and brushing her hair constantly, she laughing at every joke I made (no matter how lame). She also definitely leaned forward more and more towards me as the evening progressed. Her clearest move definitely was as at one point in the evening where she stretched her shoulders back (to emphasise her top). As the evening came to an end I noticed that she got really nervous (and I mean really nervous) and she started playing around with literally every object on the table. We also started to have really long eye contact (and I mean in the end we were just continuously gazing into each other eyes). She had a cold and therefore we had to end the evening earlier than she wanted and she kept complaining about her cold and how she still wanted to do something and she literally asked me 3 times what I was still going to do. We rode the subway back together and as she left the subway she literally shouted over half the wagon that she was not going to kiss me (I assume she meant on my cheek but I am not sure) as she had a cold. You should have seen the look of the people sitting close to me. My question is how reliable are all of the body signals in actually meaning that I might have success with this woman? I have listed the various signals I got and I would appreciate your feedback! What should be my further approach towards her, I want to invite her to my place. If she accepts should I make my move then? Thank you for your help!


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
I already told you your a rebound guy for f**ks sake TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT and dont repost the same topic in a few hours


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Duh. She's into you so just invite her over or whatever you want to.