Well, it was kinda jacked up and didn't make much sense.
I had just won alot of money, like, alot of money, I think like $10 Million or something like that.
So I take my two best friends out and I let them buy whatever they want.
We are living the good life. So we go to this club, that now that I think about it had to be where I lived

because it had my closet verbatium in the back.
For some reason< I had like 1 million dollars in my pocket

... I know that's impossible but hey it's a dream. And I look over and I see these two dudes with guns and they just reach in this guys' pockets and take everything out.
So I run to the back of the club, which happened to be my closet and I put my money in this bag that i keep all my cash in (looks exactly like the bag I use in real life)
So around 1 minute late I hear gun shots... but it's alot more than 2 guns, more like 20. So I am hiding in the closet hoping they don't come and get me or know anyone is back here. As soon as I said that, they bust down the door and put a gun to my head and made me walk out to the front of the building.
They had 4-5 people Tied up in chairs and said that they were going to kill eithe me, or them... So I told them to shoot them and they did and let me go.
pretty wierd