What would you do if a girl just completely cuts off sex from you?


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
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Would you guys ever take away something girls want? (ie, kissing, making out, being intimate) Or how would you approach it without coming off as an AFC (doing things such as begging for sex). In other words, how would you tease her so that she will go back to having sex with you, or make her want it?


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
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I would move on, unless you did something wrong. The only thing i withold from women is me when they are bad


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee

Don't frame it around her. It's not that "SHE is giving or withholding sex". Either YOU are getting what you want out of the relationship or YOU are not, and if you aren't, cut her loose.

Women like to play hardball to see if they can control you. The fact is that YOU, as a womanizer or "the great prize", are the one with all the options.

You have the value here. If she wants to withhold sex from you, let her see if she can find another man somewhere as good as you when she gets hungry again.

Espi said:
The woman always decides whether she will have sex with a man...males really don't have a choice...unless you're a rock star, etc.
What kind of defeatist bullsh!t is this?!
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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New York City
Never forget that women want sex as much as we do. Just act like it don't phase you......... she'll come around and then you can either welcome her back or reject HER ass

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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I would withdraw completely. if she's gonna withhold sex from me for no reason, I'm gonna withhold everything else in regards to our relationship. She can't play that card with me. I'll go away until she realises that I'm not gonna submit to this B.S. For the most part, the only thing alot of women have is the sexual power over their men... and this only works if you let them pull this crap.

She decides to not sleep with me... I decide to not see her at all. Simple as that.

On a side note, I consider myself to be pretty good in bed, so it's not like SHE's doing me any favors by sleeping with me. Most girls WANT to keep fvcking, if you can get them off. To the average joe "one pump chump" who only gets his satisfaction, I could see why she may decide to stop having sex as a means of control.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Iron Rule of Tomassi #3:

Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.

When women make you wait for sex you are not their highest priority. Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation of a friendship or relationship. It's sex first, then relationship, not the other way around. A woman who wants to fvck you will fly across the country, crawl under barbwire, climb in through your second story bedroom window, fvck the sh!t out of you and wait patiently inside your closet if your wife comes home early from work - women who want to fvck will find a way to fvck. I agree with the takeaway methodology in principle, but your effort might be better spent with more productive women. Finding a woman who is unquestionably ready to go is time better spent than trying to solve another woman's head puzzles. I'm of the opinion that If a girl is that into you she'll fvck regardless of ASD or having her friends in the room videotaping it. All women are slvts, you just have to be the right guy at the right time to bring it out in them, and this happens before you go back to her place. If you have to plead your case cuddling on the bed, you need to go back to square one and start fresh.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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New York City
Rollo Tomassi said:
Iron Rule of Tomassi #3:

Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.

When women make you wait for sex you are not their highest priority. Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation of a friendship or relationship. It's sex first, then relationship, not the other way around. A woman who wants to fvck you will fly across the country, crawl under barbwire, climb in through your second story bedroom window, fvck the sh!t out of you and wait patiently inside your closet if your wife comes home early from work - women who want to fvck will find a way to fvck. I agree with the takeaway methodology in principle, but your effort might be better spent with more productive women. Finding a woman who is unquestionably ready to go is time better spent than trying to solve another woman's head puzzles. I'm of the opinion that If a girl is that into you she'll fvck regardless of ASD or having her friends in the room videotaping it. All women are slvts, you just have to be the right guy at the right time to bring it out in them, and this happens before you go back to her place. If you have to plead your case cuddling on the bed, you need to go back to square one and start fresh.

I agree with your whole post up until you said all women are sluts. I know what you meant but I'd rather say that all women love to have sex. So women who give it up are sluts and women who don't are prudes or teases. How can they win lol?

Calling women who express their sexuality sluts is a fast track to making sure that we all ain't getting laid.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Espi said:
Oh, shyt, bro...I forgot about you..."squirrels"...I recant my previous post...it should read, "only if you're a rock star OR your name is...."squirrels." :up:
LOL...I'm no exception to any rules, but be careful about making rules where they don't exist. If you look at it from the defeated perspective, you could easily say, "the woman decides and the male has no choice". But the truth has many facets.

The truth from the more enabled perspective is that a woman rarely "decides" when to have sex. She has sex when her coochie gets aroused. A woman can only decide when NOT to have sex.

A lot of this "Don Juan" bullcrap is just clever ways to circumvent or preoccupy the rational, decision-making part of a woman's brain to allow her inner animal a chance to show itself. :)

EVERY woman's initial decision is to NOT sleep with you. The man has two choices...he can either accept that decision and believe he doesn't have a say, or he can seek a way to influence and/or disarm that decision.

There are two types of girls in a man's world:

-Women he's f**ked
-Women he hasn't f**ked YET.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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BuckwildNYC said:
Calling women who express their sexuality sluts is a fast track to making sure that we all ain't getting laid.
HAH! When that happens we'll just genetically engineer our women to have less of a problem with the whole concept! ^^

No seriously... i'd leave it for what it is. This is a sick way to carry on a relationship. I'd MUCH rather be single for the rest of my life than in a relationship with a frigid woman.... Igh! Talk about a surefire way to have your balls removed in one of the most painful ways imginable...
Aug 8, 2005
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The Cold North.
Socialreject said:
HAH! When that happens we'll just genetically engineer our women to have less of a problem with the whole concept! ^^

No seriously... i'd leave it for what it is. This is a sick way to carry on a relationship. I'd MUCH rather be single for the rest of my life than in a relationship with a frigid woman.... Igh! Talk about a surefire way to have your balls removed in one of the most painful ways imginable...
Kind of like "I like you as a friend."


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...
Why is she withholding sex?

Did you do something bad to her? In the west, men are so puzz whipped that women can control men sexually. men dont want to jeopardize their chances of getting it. Either she doesnt want to talk to you anymore, or she wants to try to control you. To control you she needs you to think that her vagina has priceless value. You should confront her with the problem, find out why, then threaten that, if theres no sex in the house, ill just get a take out order.

That myth about women wanting sex as much as we do, needs to be cleared up. When a women is pleasured right, she loves and enjoys the sex, probably more than men. But men's hormones want the sex more. For men, the orgasm is just relieving some testoserone. I know for a fact, if a guy comes out of a relationship and doesnt get it for 2 weeks, hell be feeling like he wants to nutt on something. After two weeks for a girl, shes good. Attention is what women want. its the equivalent of an orgasm for us. If shes cut off from attention, she will go crazy.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2006
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If she's cutting you off simply because she doesn't want to have sex with you anymore, then move on, easy decision.

Here's my view, which is what I'd tell an MLTR or any girl I was currently ****ing if they decided to cut me off as a way of controlling me or as a way of punishing me:

Sex is not a tool to be used by someone in a relationship to keep power of the other. Sex is a mutually enjoyable experience, and by not having sex, the relationship is not as enjoyable as a whole. If someone in the relationship does not want to have sex, then that's fine. Those relationships are called friendships.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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My gf has done this on one or two occasions (withheld sex). 2 freeze outs later, she was he one who initiated it. All I have ever had to do is keep playfully going under the guise of a game to keep her responding positively or in the worst scenario a freeze out. On one occasion I threatened to tell a woman's hsband abut the affair. I will use anything I think will work besides force or under the influencing, because I am not that kind of guy and despise rapists.

If for example you touch her breast and she says no, make a game up. Say that you have an evil hand and it cannot be controlled and laugh while you do this like on "idle hands" movie. The movie is now getting old and younger girls won't get it, so make up something relevant to her age. I laid a very hot stripper this way before.

You can try turning her on more by teasing her with a sable haired artist brush, although I've only done this on very willing girls so excuse a slight KBJing. Making sure that there is no where to sit and watch TV except on your bed is step 1 and most important for me to get laid. If she resists too much I would just confront her. If you're done with her anyway, why not confront her and see if you can learn anything useful?

Whatever you do address the problem because if you don't it will harm you emotionally and psychologically. It will affect your ability to pull girls for a long time unless you take care of this problem. Study up on LMR and use standard techniques to get past this. If all else fails, find out what's going on. She could have an STD from another man for all you know right now, so be prepared that you may find something like that out... it does happen.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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'So, you don't find me attractive any more? Maybe I'd better start looking for someone who does. Unless it's just a stupid no-sex power-play, in which case I better start looking for another woman."