What was your turning point? You "aha" moment in the game?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
What single thing really changed your success in the game? To the point where you were able to have a an attractive girlfriend or have sex on a regular basis with different women?

Was it just being more friendlier?
Was it changing your up your clothing style?
Was it talking in a deeper voice?



Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
When Anti-Dump told me to turn off my computer and use what I've learned. That was years ago.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
It's a slow and gradual process if you ask me...I had a long journey from social retard to...well...still a virgin, but I don't expect that to last, nor does anybody. At first the only girls checking me out were ugly as sin, and opportunities slowly started to build as I improved myself.

First I became friends with someone who knows some girls, then a year later my friend introduced me to a girl and we became friends, then I learned how to flirt, then I changed my hairstyle, then I got my first kiss, then I learned how to lightly kino, then I learned to be less awkward around girls, then I took accutane to get rid of my acne, then I stopped giving a sh!t about girls and becoming infatuated with any of them, then I learned to project my voice and be ****y, then I gained real confidence instead of faking it, then I got my hair cut short, then I learned how to escalate, then I stopped smoking pot and started going out more....now I'm bulking up and going out to parties often and practicing my game.

I'm really thin, thinner than anyone here I guarantee you, so I think once I've been eating steadily and going to the gym for a few months, THAT will be my real turning point, where I'm hooking up with a new cute girl on a weekly basis.

But I think what helped me the most was realizing the importance of eliminating the "AFC mindset" and making sure I place myself in social situations. I had watched Mystery's show beforehand but he focuses more on tricks and gimmicks in clubs...you'll get nowhere if your lifestyle isn't conducive to meeting girls, and if you think like a wuss. "Aww, gee, I sure hope this girl likes me! She's soo smart and unique, I better make her my girlfriend before she goes after some other guy!" Yuck.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Pullman, WA
My defining moment was when I changed my mindset. When I considered myself the catch and the women the ones competing for me, it brought huge changes. Gone was the AFC, the desperation, the hesitation, the nervousness and many other problems I had.

It wasn't an overnight change by any means, but rather a gradual realization that took place over a couple years.

Now I literally get checked out by every girl who passes by me, and the vast majority of them are attractive.

It's weird, because for the first time I can be picky and actually get with the girls I want, instead of settling for what I can get.

Fix your mind, and everything else corrects itself. And good posture helps too.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
When I realized that learning more stuff from forums won't help, and the only way to really get good with girls is to get tons and tons of field experience.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
when i learned that women aren't what they seem but are worse these days...and to act like a chump makes you one


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
The instance was when I was going AFC for a buddys girlfriend and thought I had a chance and she ended up cheating on him w/ some other dude. That was when I realized I had no game. The turning point was finding saucehead's post on the bodybuilding forums and realizing my behavior was that of a chump. when someone who is on the other end of the country can tell you exactly what you did and why it was wrong, that is powerful.

Everything is changed now, but that has been a product of environment. Practicing helps speaking clearer to people, and living in the city helped to learn to dress better. At the end of the day, it wasn't about women so much as it was really stepping up who I was.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
When I got p1ssed off at the lack of action I was getting even with all the DJ gospel I'd drummed into myself over the previous couple of years and actually went into the outside world, out of my sixth form and forced myself to man up and approach.

From there my confidence, social ability, number of aquaintances and popularity soared, I lost my virginity and as a result my studies have improved to the point I'm now predicted 2A*s and 2As in my A2s and am pursuing a career as a doctor, ultimately a neurosurgeon.

I'm still growing massively as a person, but I know I'll become the potent man I'm striving to become as I continue along the path of eliminating the weaknesses of a loser from my mind. All it took was to get off my ass staring at a computer screen and start *doing*.

Bobby Rio

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
New Jersey
My big aha moment was that women want fun... not funny.

I used to try so hard to be ****y, sarcastic, and witty- yet most girls just really want fun.

I put together a youtube video about this recently - if you're struggling with this you might want to check it out.

It really changed my game.


Let me know what you think...