What to talk to girls about in school when I'm boring?


New Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Ok so I just transferred to a new college, and I've talked to maybe two girls from class or a tutorial, but I'm a boring guy. I literally do nothing other than browse the web, school, watch a few shows, gym, and that's it. I usually just start with the basics ie name, major, school work, the course, but then the convo fizzles out or I tell em cya later. What should I talk about in these situations? I'm not really so much afraid of talking to girls, but I just think I sometimes have nothing to say, and I don't want it to be awkward if it's a girl from a lab or tutorial.


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
"Are you single?" (After your regular convo). Immediately shows you are interested. Then, "how about we grab a drink?" or, "Do you take it in the ass?" That one worked for me believe it or not. But she was very slutty. Ask some girls out. Don't just talk. Be aggressive.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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JJ123x said:
Ok so I just transferred to a new college, and I've talked to maybe two girls from class or a tutorial, but I'm a boring guy. I literally do nothing other than browse the web, school, watch a few shows, gym, and that's it. I usually just start with the basics ie name, major, school work, the course, but then the convo fizzles out or I tell em cya later. What should I talk about in these situations? I'm not really so much afraid of talking to girls, but I just think I sometimes have nothing to say, and I don't want it to be awkward if it's a girl from a lab or tutorial.

You don't have any passions???

Find something that gets you stoked.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
There is more to talk about than you think.

What do you browse on the web? Read any interesting articles that made you think? Funny stories and situations that you can relate to? Watched any television shows that were interesting and thought provoking?

Try this, carry around a pocket sized notebook with you. Any time you do something, come up with thought provoking questions or funny anecdotes about it.

Here is one I just made up for example (you can use this): "So I'm at the gym today and I start to notice there are bunch of these loud annoying guys with fake tans and ridiculous hair lifting weights. And I swear to god I even think I saw one of them fist pumping while his buddy was working out. Why are all these people walking around like they're "Jersey Shore" cast offs? Why do you think people want to act like this?"

I just put a few minutes into this so I'm sure it can be better. Just remember, make sure its DHV, throw some humor in it, and ask a question that she can respond to in depth.

If all else fails, there is nothing more that girls like to talk about than themselves. Just get them talking an keep asking questions. Eventually you'll hit a topic you both relate to and you can go more naturally from there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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^^Also bearing in mind that you shouldn't say something like that if it's not natural; if it isn't something that you might say.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
jj123x: start hanging out with friends, build social circles, start watching those cliche reality tv shows, you need to start training your social muscles.

Us telling you 5-10 topics to talk about, is going to get your 2 more minutes into a conversation, its not going to help the underlying problem you seem to have, of just lacking social intuition

Hope this helps


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
the305 said:
jj123x: Us telling you 5-10 topics to talk about, is going to get your 2 more minutes into a conversation, its not going to help the underlying problem you seem to have, of just lacking social intuition
Truth. +1

You should have a few "go-to topics," but you REALLY have to learn to just start making observations about things around you, things you've done, things she's done...keep things light and playful always. Tease. Yes, build off of her questions, but as is said all the time on this site, don't go into interview mode. The trick to doing this is to not talk too much! Get the number, get them in a new environment, and you'll have an easier time :up: