What to talk to girls about during track meets.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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There's a track meet tommorow, and since track meets can last all day, I'll have plenty of time to approach girls who are on the girls track team. The thing is is that I don't know what to talk to these girls about. You talk about track with these girls, and that's not going to get too far. Usually you'll just talk about your events and silence will follow that(I know this from experience, since I talked to a girl on the team about this today). Should I just avoid talking about track and use my usual "Hey, how's it going?" openr and see where that goes? It's hard to get into a lengthy conversation with a girl about track. Also, what if they are talking to one of their guy friends?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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Simply you need confidence and conversation skills. Be energetic, smile, and exude confidence through body language and voice/tone, otherwise the conversation is going to be boring and there's going to be silence and you'll come across as boring and weak. If you come in energetic and flirtatious and she's not giving anything back, next her, buh bye!

Ask them how there event went. Did you win, lose? Were you tired, etc?

-When's your event? Nervours? ....You'll do fine.

- So besides track, do you do any other sports? Go from there...

- What is your favorite event? Why's that?

- So besides track what other things do you like to do?

Once you got a good, energetic, flirtatious conversation going, leave, say "hey are you single?" if yes "cool, write down your phone number and/or email." if no, "Ho ho, hey that's too bad for you, you're missing out, we'll I'll see you later."

Hey dude, go get 'em.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
For starters, if you aren't in line for a field event/running event, you can ask what event she's doing. See where it goes from there. I'm not sure how helpful that was, so tell me if it works at all. After all, I'm still in training.
-Sachiel, DJ in Training


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Oh, for crying out loud--conversation is conversation. Regardless of where you are, planning your conversations with people (especially girls) is pointless. Sure, you can talk about your events as an opener, but move on to other topics...movies, books, current events, likes and dislikes, "would you rather" games...you see, that's how conversation works, you talk about one thing...then another...and then another.

RELAX. When you talk to girls, act like you're talking to friends of yours. You don't map out conversations with your friends, do you? Of course not. Don't worry about the silences, those are inevitable. Girls would rather you be a bit on the quiet side and crack hilarious one-liners than be an annoying chatterbox who constantly tries too hard and makes lame jokes.

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
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sca_p said:
RELAX. When you talk to girls, act like you're talking to friends of yours.
what he just said is HOW you make friends. I meet lots of new people all the time. The business I'm in you meet new people every day, and you make friends with them super fast. Musicians network like CRAZY.

If you can't talk to a track girl during a track meet about track, and you run track too, you just don't know how to talk to people yet.

Ask questions, be interested, pay attention to what she says. From what she says you will get information that you can use to ask more questions. This is straight up Conversation 101 I'm giving you here.

Be familiar. You know how when you first meet someone how you're kind of awkward because you don't know them? Don't do that. It's only awkward because you let it be. Find common ground and be familiar with them. If you seem at ease talking to them, they'll feel at ease talking to you.

Questions are good, but you want to move from question and answer to a conversation that flows as quickly as possible. A girl's not going to be too comfortable if you interrogate her the entire time (what school are you from? What's your event? How long have you been doing track?). Questions are good, but the purpose is to get her talking and comfortable, and to find common ground. If you can find common ground you can both share your views on a given subject (at that point the interogation is over with). That's when she'll start to get comfortable.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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aussiegoat55 said:
Simply you need confidence and conversation skills. Be energetic, smile, and exude confidence through body language and voice/tone, otherwise the conversation is going to be boring and there's going to be silence and you'll come across as boring and weak. If you come in energetic and flirtatious and she's not giving anything back, next her, buh bye!

Ask them how there event went. Did you win, lose? Were you tired, etc?

-When's your event? Nervours? ....You'll do fine.

- So besides track, do you do any other sports? Go from there...

- What is your favorite event? Why's that?

- So besides track what other things do you like to do?

Once you got a good, energetic, flirtatious conversation going, leave, say "hey are you single?" if yes "cool, write down your phone number and/or email." if no, "Ho ho, hey that's too bad for you, you're missing out, we'll I'll see you later."

Hey dude, go get 'em.
Alright, that's good, but I know from experience that conversational skills alone isn't going to get you her number. But again that's what the flirtatous thing is for.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Okay so there's a track meet tommorow(She wasn't at the one on Tuesday), and I'm planning on approaching this girl. I did talk to her and say "Hey Amanda" she responded hey, and then I said "What's up?" she says "nothing". Man, I must of been such a bother, chick is in a rush and this random guy starts talking to her.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Alright, that's good, but I know from experience that conversational skills alone isn't going to get you her number.

Please don't tell me the only reason you talk to girls is to get their numbers.:rolleyes: Not all conversations have to be outcome based, have a conversation just for the sake of having a conversation. When you do this you not only improve your social skills but make new friends. You must build up your rapport with her, which depending on how good at conversation you are, could take many different conversations. Remember you must CRAWL before you can WALK.