80/20 Rule.
My opinion:
Listen 80% and speak 20%. Ask questions about them.
You have 2 ears and 1 mouth.
You don't need to be a good conversationalist. You also don't need to talk about yourself...let them ask about you.
That is actually the beauty about things....
Men that don't like talking about themselves are at an advantage...
1. Women (like everyone) are interested in talking about......themselves.
2. You get to let her open up.....every woman will reveal themselves to you (if you pay attention....key)
3. You remain a bit of a mystery
4. She believes you're a great listener and a great conversationalist (isn't it ironic that when you let somebody jabber on about whatever interests them and you actually listen to them, the think you are a "great conversationalist") and being a good listener is a plus from every person's viewpoint......
What to talk about....
ask her open ended questions and/or make statements......
Open ended questions....
So what did you want to be when you were growing up? (in fact this is a great question if you want to read somebody's "satisfaction with life" scale......example.....say she is a nurse.....was it her dream to be a nurse? if it was then she is fulfilling her dream and you can bet that she is highly satisfied with life (happy)....however, imagine she dreamed of being a doctor but she didn't quite make it and had to make do with being a nurse.....her satisfaction with life is probably a little lower (maybe even bitter)
tease her on her answers or assume things....
I bet you were a mischievous child.......
you can say this with anything and they will generally agree and go on a story (or not agree and go on a story) eg I bet you were a curious child.........
Do not kiss her azz asking her questions and trying to win her approval.....instead imagine that you are the boss of a ceo and you are wondering whether to take her on.....but you are not sure......