What to say and do when she likes you...lie or not to lie


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Personally at this moment in time I'm not looking for a girlfriend or anything serious. Maybe going out on a few dates, meeting up, sex and also seeing other people and living both our lives as we wish, but nothing serious and not feeling tied down.
So what should you do when the girl in question likes you and wants to know if it will go anywhere?

Do you tell her the truth (I have done this in the past and said I dont think it will go anywhere and the girl then stopped meeting me because she wasn't into just having sex with someone)
or should you lie and say something along the lines of "Lets both carry on being single and just see where things go, no need to rush anything"

Oh and also...should you be straight up with girls and girls that like you and let them know that you do talk to and meet many girls... or should you keep that quiet too!
Really interested in what people think!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Be honest. If you are not interested in a relationship then say so. Don't trick a girl into bed, that is cowardly. Some girls also aren't interested in a relationship so then you will find someone on the same page as you. Then there will be less complications down the road and both parties know what not to expect and what to expect. Just say how you feel...that you are young, not sure what you want, you want to figure it out by dating and meeting people and that you are not interested in long term dating at the moment.

And if you say that you don't want a relationship then it pretty much goes without saying that you are dating around. The only time the issue of dating other people should come up is if you want to be exclusive with someone.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia Suburbs
The truth is that you don't really know whether you want a relationship with this girl or not. You should play it that way. Tell her you don't know and you want to give it a shot. This is what *****es do to us, so we're going to do the same and try it out. If we like it, we'll stay. If not, then goodbye. Of course she WILL definitely do the same.


I've enjoyed hanging out with you and would like to get to know you better. Figured we'd get together some more and find out.