what to respond to this ?


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, this is with the girl that LJBFed me ... I'm kindda in a spot where I don't know what to answer to some things.

First situation : she was playing basketball with some people during lunchtime, and she asks me to come and play with them. I answer that I didn't feel like it, but still stay there, just looking around. She then gives me the finger, but while smiling/laughing (so I know it wasn't serious or whatever). So, I didn't really know how to react to this so I just made a sarcastically surprised/offended face and let it go ... Good handling ?

Situation 2: we're on MSN, and I'm playing C&F a little with her, and giving her some neghits, and she says "va chier lol" (we're going to a French school), which means basically "screw you". I know she was joking here too, but I don't know how to react to those things, most of the time...

Any pointers on what to answer when this type of stuff happens ? I'm not exactly good at spontaneous comebacks, so (AFC'ness at its best lol) when I get jokingly insulted I usually just say "**** you" or show them the finger or soemthing like that, unless the comeback way is really obvious and just begging for an answer ...


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Quand elle te dis d'aller chier dis lui de venir sucer.

Pour le doigt, demande lui si c'est un offre. Elle comprendra quelques secondes plus tard.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Decide how you want to react and do so. The aim of this site is to give you your own two feet, not for you to rely totally on its approval. Anyway depending on your personality there is no set answer to any predicament/situation.

My most important tip is just do not be fazed by her, do not let anything she does get to you. Anyway going against what i normally say, one guideline that for me is infalliable as a rule is the (if you go to a school with a girl) LJBF line and friends zone. It is really difficult to get out of and the way you approach discussing her in your posts makes it seem like you are obsessed with her. These are not healthy things for you.

To answer your questions, seems okay but might come off a little weak, for me i woulda joked about how if she wants to do up me she must have a **** and i best scope that out before i get with her. Whatever i woulda said i would have kept it laid back and made it look like she had interest in me.

No 2. I bet you'd love to, but it aint gonna happen soon, doll. If in the friends zone with her, personallly i would not put out so much 'game', neghits, C + F, because if she knows you like her it makes you look weak and a trier (and nobody likes triers, however successful they are).

Try not to be rude back, (descending to their level ;), just be laid back about it - it doesnt faze you). [speaking of laid back i think dope and me are suited, maybe i should start again - albeit i get so lethargic]

Roll with the punches


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe
She then gives me the finger, but while smiling/laughing (so I know it wasn't serious or whatever). So, I didn't really know how to react to this so I just made a sarcastically surprised/offended face and let it go ... Good handling ?

Hehe. I might have said:

"Haha! I bet you like that don't you!" or
"Hahahahaha... What the- What's that smell... Wait a minute, where has that finger been!?" or
"Woah... Now do a backflig with it up your ass!" [The last one only if she deserves it.]

Situation 2: we're on MSN, and I'm playing C&F a little with her, and giving her some neghits, and she says "va chier lol" (we're going to a French school), which means basically "screw you". I know she was joking here too, but I don't know how to react to those things, most of the time...
"Hahaha! I know you want to screw me, but I don't see how you can do that without me having to screw you too! Now I don't want that!"

Careful with the flirty slaps and punches (sometimes they hurt!).

What I do is let her know that I'm not afraid to send back whatever she sends my way (most AFCs are). Women have mentioned that I'm not like everybody else because when they tell me to **** myself (jokingly), I send it right back at them.

It's up to you. ":D