What to do?


New Member
Jun 27, 2010
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So I have a bit of a situation that I'd love to get some advice on
First a little background -

The Girl

Always had been friendly with me, I wasn't close to her but we knew each other. I thought she was pretty good looking, but she really doesn't present herself. She's the girl that wears hockey sweats and a pony tail everyday, but in my mind still manages to look good. She's feminine but not really girly, and mostly hangs out with her group of girl friends.


I hung out with her at a dance one night (read: grinded a lot) and then decided that she was a potential target. At my school, getting girls is a process that goes - Hanging out more in person, texting, then hooking up (if of course they're interested.)
So I tried to spend more time with her (difficult because she's not that social) but managed some conversations in class.

Texting was a bit different, as she wasn't really responsive or enthusiastic. I took no heed to this, and just decided to say fvck it and go for it


A week after I started working on her, I went to my school's usual Saturday night dance. After just hanging around a little I found her, grinded with her for 2 songs, then asked her to leave. We hooked up outside in a field, which was actually cool.


So after we hooked up, I asked her if she wanted to keep it going. She said yes and I was pretty pumped. The next day however, she told me that she really needed to focus on exams (we hooked up 2 days before exams started). I wasn't happy but I understood. Positively, she said there was a good chance of us getting together when school started up again.

After exams summer came. Now I go to boarding school, and she lives in MA while I live in VA, so not really any possible meet ups. Now my question is, what should I do to stay in contact and keep her interested? My idea as of now is to start talking to her late in the Summer, like a few weeks before school, and gauge interest then and try to with her again when school starts.

Sorry for the long story, sort of rambled I guess. What do you DJs have to say about this?


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2010
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Real world.
Hey Bronco,

If i were in your position, honestly i wouldn't bother "keeping her interested". She will initiate contact if she has REAL interest (I'm suspecting that she doesn't have much guys going after her, therefore the interest in you). Going further will only make you desperate-looking.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Bronco5150 said:
then hooking up (if of course they're interested.)
Who the fvck wears the pants at that school lmfao...

Bronco5150 said:
So after we hooked up, I asked her if she wanted to keep it going.
I guess she wears the pants in your relationship huh bro?

Bronco5150 said:
and she lives in MA while I live in VA
Massachusetts and Virginia? im pretty sure thats a long fvcking ways away. i guess depending on your age you could make it work, but personally i'd say fvck it


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
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East Coast USA
Sherlock-Holmes said:
Hey Bronco,

If i were in your position, honestly i wouldn't bother "keeping her interested". She will initiate contact if she has REAL interest (I'm suspecting that she doesn't have much guys going after her, therefore the interest in you). Going further will only make you desperate-looking.
Yeah man, no need to really keep contacting her. Maybe one random text in the middle of the summer sometime..."hey you have an emo twin in VA" haha something like that.

Really there's no need, when you get back to her after the summer, you'll have all the more to "catch up on" ;)

And if she wants nothing to do with you by the time you get back, it won't be because you didn't contact her over the summer, so don't worry about it.


New Member
Jun 27, 2010
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I mean im not gonna say fvck because of distance since I'll be at school with her in 2 months.

I think maybe just 1 random text sometime, otherwise if she's interested and wants it it'll happen