What to do?

Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
thanks to all the advice on this site, after five long months ive finally got a girlfriend. however, most of the advice on this site only applies to picking up girls, and seeing how this is my first relationship, i don't know what to do. anybody have any information or links to articles?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
I am suffering a similar crisis, but not in as bad as you are, since I had a few girlfriends before. Here are a few tips:

1) Continue to be flirty
Keep the spark going, just don't overdo it.

2) Keep her on the edge
Let her know that she is replaceable if she doesn't abide by your rules (don't tell her that, obviously)

3) Be dominant
Just because she said yes doesn't mean she can't change her mind. Take charge and NEVER let her grab you by the balls (unless it is used as a strategic surrender)

4) Show her you appreciate her through your actions
Write her a note. Speak highly about her to your friends. Compliment her every once in a while.

5) Seek intimate moments
Try to be with her by yourself every now and then. It does wonders. This makes you seem like a romantic, and you can get some if you play your cards right.

Read David DeAngelo's post about sexual tension.

That's all I can think of right now.

I follow these tips and more, and my girlfriend constantly tells me I am the best guy she has ever dated.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
If you want to keep your relationship strong, always be moving into new territory. Test the boundaries and don't be afraid to experiment.

COMMUNICATION: Walk around and have conversations with each other, not just flirting sessions. Get to know each others needs and peeves. If something bothers you, LET IT OUT.

SPONTANEITY: Be a little bit unpredictable. Grab her by the hand and run together to some secluded corner just to give her a kiss. Do something a little crazy.

RESPECT: I'm not so much into the idea of DOMINANCE because it tends to make relationships last 6 months max. Respect is a big deal that encourages a long-term relationship. Make sure that she respects you and doesn't take advantage of the fact that you care for her. Point it out whenever she puts you in a trap ("Do I look fat in this?" "What do you think of that girl over there?"). However you have to give her the same respect.

When you do these right, you fulfill the three basic needs of a strong relationship: Loyalty, intimacy, and passion. Always keep a good balance of these three, and you will be fine.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Oh man will she be testing you all the time.

You thought getting a girl was hard, keeping her is even harder.

Buckle down for the long haul.
It'll be fun thou, you'll like, it won't be boring thats for sure.
It'll also make you a better person.

All the advices above are excellent. But let me advice you about one thing. Its not about knowing these rules. It about knowing when you apply it!

When to respect her choices and when call out her bull.
When to communicate to her and when to leave her be in her own thoughts.

Only experience will teach you that, so don't worry if you don't always get it right. It happens.

But the rules stand true, don't doubt them even when you applied them at the wrong time and place.