What to do with this AW

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
In a couple of posts that I have made recently about this one AW that I have been "involved" with. Anyway the story goes like this. She originally approached me through a mutual friend/school, well I though that we hit it off, she was showing crazy interest, she even flat out asked my for my email within minutes of first talking to me. Then I bought my first cell phone, and within a day of me getting my friends number (the mutual one) she emails me asking for my number. I'm here thinking that things are going great for me, what can I do wrong.

We start flirting more and more, and I suggest that we hang out sometime, she seemed cool with that, but she had to find time that she could, she does work a lot (I know for a fact) but she just doesn't get back to me about our "date," yet keeps texting nonstop (I always had at least two messages a day from her), talking, and such with me. Then a week later she then suggests that we hang out, but then tells me that she again needs to figure out when she works, I didn't agree to a time because I needed to find time myself and I had a feeling she would not reply again. She doesn't give me a date, so I basically nexted her.

Last week she texts me randomly out of the blue asking if we "are just friends" because she feels like shes "leading me on, and I don't have those feeling for you". I tell her I didn't have "those" feeling for her, then she asks me for adivce on what she should do with the guy she "has feelings for," I never replied. She then texts me with an upset tone with "so you dont talk to me now" I replied that I have more important thing to do with my life then wonder what my friends are doing 24/7, and I leave it at that.

Then today I get a message from her wondering how I'm doing basically how life's going. Does this chic not get the fact that I'm not going to be some little AFC friend, is that what women like this are after, is this common for AW's to try and keep men around they feel that they can manipulate like this? Or could it be possible that this AW has still feels some sort of attraction to me? I'd really love to hit it and quit it, but I don't want to but up with too much **** trying.

any advice


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
well so far you have answered her every time so why would she think suddenly you won't now? the answer to your question is NO she is not suddenly attracted to you. She is trying to use you for attention and to be her Pet AFC. Prove to her you are a man by ignoring her. Any response is a + response to her. never give her advice about other guys.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
I haven't replied to her yet and am not going to. I was never going to giver her advice with regards to other guys.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
This is the typical game of the Histrionic.

What persistant exaction has said is what you must do if you ever want to get any pvssy from her.

What Warrior has said is probably what you should do overall and that is forget this AW dead end and go find a normal chick for yourself.

The games never ever stop with an AW because non stop drama and the need to feel alive and worthwhile through it is what they crave.

If you've ever watched The Lord of the Rings movies which most people have be warned that the longer you are around an AW the more like the one ring they become to you.

Remember what the need for the ring, the need for "the precious" did to Gollum and what Gandalf said about it.

"He will never be rid of his need for it, he hates and loves the ring, as he hates and loves himself".

Think deeply before you decide to continue going down this road.

You have been warned.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks guys. I always had that thought that there might be a chance that I could hit it, but now that I have taken a step back and got some great advice I've realized that there was no chance at all and I'm just going to completely forget about this and go on about daily life as if she never happened. Thanks for bringing me to my senses.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
I almost hate to bump this thread, but. I got another text tonight from this AW, basically the same "how are things going, how's life?" and now that I have taken a step back and though about it, this is very annoying. Maybe I'm taking this a little too personal, thinking that she just wants a little pet AFC to keep as a confidence boost, and she thinks that I'd make a good candidate, maybe I should be flattered... yea right

The more she texts me, the less I want anything to do with her. Now I realize for myself why it is important to remove yourself from the situation when you want to increase attraction (I can only assume that my feelings here would mimic that of a hb getting pestered by some AFC with sad game).


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
"What to do with this AW" - Fvck her. Leave. IN THAT ORDER.

If you can't, tell her "you don't want anything to do with her type".


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
defiantley an AW. With my experience with AW's they just smother me with attention I tell them to back off then they will do somethign fvcked up like make out with a friend or something. Do not let her in cause if u do she is going to get u back for ignoring her sometime down the road.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Rhoto, that's the problem, this AW gave me all the attention in the world, and even threw around a couple of "we should hang out sometime"'s yet when it came down to setting it up, like "hey lets hang out on xxx" this is when she'd flake out, indirectly, which did piss me off even more, especially when she would suggest the hang out, but now I really don't care.

I never got her to the point that she would "hang out," in the first place, and I really don't think that anything short of getting ****faced at a party and running into her would get me around her long enough, because I don't want to see her now, to fvck her